Chapter 13 Finally Took A Chance

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As we stood outside it was a little chilly out. Even though we neither of us said a word for the first ten minutes, it wasn't awkward. Things were never awkward when I was with Alyssa. My mind though, was racing as I tried to think of words to say to tell Alyssa how I felt. A million thoughts were coming up but I couldn't get any of what I felt out. It was like all of a sudden I couldn't speak.

Finally after a while Alyssa said something. She said it quite timidly and my response respected that and I replied in a soft tone. She asked if she could hug me and I said ya. This made me think of a time when I thought hugging Alyssa would be awkward; ya now I want to more than just hug her.


I held Alyssa in my arms for what felt like an eternity. I could have stayed like that forever. That was until I realized that what Alyssa viewed as just a hug I viewed as something else. I loved her, but she only saw me as a friend. I got that feeling when she let go and started walking back inside.

I had let so many chances pass me by that I wasn't gunna let her go again. I needed to man up and here was my shot. I grabbed her, pulled her in close, and let her know how I felt. Not with any words of course, but I kissed her. It kind of seemed like she was kissing me back to.

As soon as I let go, Alyssa seemed kind of confused. She tried asking questions and it was kind of like she was freaking out. I just interrupted her with another kiss, it seemed as if she enjoyed it but I still wasn't sure how she felt at this point. I figured I had some explaining to do so I told her everything. I told her about the lie I made up and how I felt about her. She cried as I spoke and then she kissed me. It was then that I finally knew how she felt about me.

I told her I loved her and she loved me too. We hugged again and all seemed right I whispered, “I love you," in her ear and we just stood there in each other’s arms. Before the show started we hung out just the two of us, together as a couple. Next came the actual show and it was awesome, what was even better was that I got to share the night with the one I love.

You Love Me? (A Best Friend Romance) {COMPLETED}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant