Chapter 15 The Day After

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Alyssa's POV

"Wake up!!! Wake upppp!!!!!!!! Wake upppp!!!!!!!!" my alarm screamed.

I forgot that I had school today with everything that happened last night, a Tuesday night I might add. But I had to get up to get ready

despite my urge to stay in bed all day and recount all of the events from last night. As I brushed my teeth and picked my outfit out I

couldn't help but smile as I thought about last night. It wasn't a dream, he had really said all of those things and so had I; and that kiss

it was certainly real too.

I grabbed my things and then headed off to school. When I got there at my usual time, forty minutes before school actually started, the

first person I always saw was Trish. We'd gone to the same school together since kindergarten and been friends ever since. Would she

notice anything about me ask ask what happened? I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell anyone yet.

"Hey Alyssa! What's up? Anything exciting happen last night?!" she said

Crap. She was onto me, but I thought I would play it cool.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, the concert? You did go didn't you?"

"Oh ya. It was awesome! The lead singer did all of the stuff he normally does and he was soo funny."

Cool I thought. I was off the hook.

"Awesome! Did anything else happen? You know, between you and Andy?"

"What do you mean Trish?"

"Well, it's just that you two haven't seen each other in a while and..."

"And, what?" I said

"And I saw you I your car this morning and the way you walked in here. Your totally beaming and excited which could only mean one

thing. Normally your not this awake in the morning and if you got home at 1 am, then you sure shouldn't be this lively this morning."

Darn it. Man, she knows me all to well.

"Alright. You're right. Ok so where do I begin?"

Her face kept a constant grin as I told everything that had happened and when I say everything I mean everything. I loved Trish, and if

I was going to tell anyone, I'm glad it was her.

When I finished she let out a girly scream and then ran over to the other side of the table to hug me.

"I'm so happy for you Alyssa!! Oh my goodness, who'd a thunk that Andy could be that sweet. I totally knew you guys were great

together. Did I not tell you that?"

"Yes. You did."

She did. In fact she practically got the ball rolling because she was the one who tokd me freshman year that he was going to the concert

we were going to. Which was the reason I first talked to him. She was also the one who texted him on that April Fools Day, and for that

I was actually kind of grateful for.

The rest of the day I was still as happy and as elated as the nighy before. People definitely could tell there was something different, but

thankfully no one could guess what it was. I wanted our relationship just to be between the two of us for a bit.

You Love Me? (A Best Friend Romance) {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora