Five - Poison

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     Star trotted alongside her sister, Night, Otter, and Swift. The whole pack was out on another hunting trip. If the Nofurs were not closing in on their territory, they might have afforded to hunt away from the camp for many sun cycles. But now, the Grassland Pack couldn't afford that. Along with the Nofurs, more and more coyotes had been scented in their territory. They were all competing for prey; prey that the wolves couldn't afford to lose.

     "Curse these Nofurs," muttered Alpha Snow. She had been chosen by Alpha Wind the sun when Star and Fearless Bison had discovered the Nofurs building their camp. The shock of the news was dampened by praise for their new leader. The Alphas had already mated, and soon the pack could expect a litter of pups just in time for warm-moon. Even with her massive upgrade in rank, Alpha Snow still insisted on her strong bond with Star.

     "I can't wait until they leave," growled Otter. She had been promoted to hunter when Bone moved to the omega's den. Her attitude was all over the place and more than once she needed to be reminded she was still the lowest-ranking hunter.

     "We need to catch something for Owl and Bone, or else they won't recover at all," Swift fretted. "We'll need as many wolves as possible to deal with the coyotes, and soon there'll be pups too." The two injured wolves had gotten better, but they still weren't fit to leave their dens. Owl's paw would heal but Bone's eye couldn't be saved.

     Ahead, the rest of the able wolves followed Alpha Wind across the heather. Yellow and purple flowers blinked at them, and the sweet honey-scent of the heather flowers almost made Star dizzy. She was glad all the snow had melted a few cycles after it fell. Whatever prey was left would be out looking for food. The pack followed their Alphas across the grassland, obediently going out in pairs to sniff at clumps of grass or peat.

     Before the sun was at its highest point, Star picked up a scent of rabbit in the heather. She yipped quietly to the pack and the wolves gathered around. The scent wound through the plants along a small, worn out track. Alpha Wind raised his head above the grass and glanced around.

     "There," he whispered to the pack. "Star, Swift, Night and Otter, move downwind. Pass the rabbits and create a half moon. Water and Bear will drive them to you." He flicked his tail and Star and the rest of the hunters shot forward. They circled wide, ignoring the tempting scent of rabbit as they passed them. Star stopped first and began prowling forward. She licked her chops quietly. Her ears pricked forward, and she heard the sounds of the rabbits nibbling on the grass in front of her. Star sniffed the air and checked the positions of her packmates. She sensed that all but Otter were in position. A while later, she caught the scent command from Roaring Bear. The grass rustled in front of her face and Star snapped her jaws at the rabbit as it crashed into her.

     She grabbed it and shook until it stopped squealing. A howl from Cold Wind halted her and she sprang forward with the quarry. The pack gathered where the rabbits had been eating earlier. They had four in all. Alpha Snow raised her head and howled, "we thank you, Star Wolf for these rabbits. May they find peace in your territory."

     "Star Wolf!" howled the pack. Star raised her voice with them, and after the Alphas dropped out she looked expectantly at them. Alpha Snow sighed and took one. She was about to bite into the thigh before she stopped dead.

     "What's this?" she asked softly. Alpha Wind sniffed at them with her and they both growled at the same time. Star sniffed at one near her and whined.

     "Poison," snarled Fearless Bison, "from the Nofurs."

     "But we don't know if they were the ones who poisoned them," Night tried to reason. "Maybe they ate some mushrooms, or something..."

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