Chapter 2 - Kidnapped

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Closer. I became closer and closer to the zombie. I could see him eyeing his dinner; me! As I walked further away from safety, I felt myself turn more and more invisible, no one stopped in awe, staring at 'the girl who was killing herself'. No one tried to stop me anymore. I closed my eyes as I thought about what happened after death, heaven? Hell for me. My thin wisps of chocolate hair waved in the wind, almost as if it was a final goodbye. Suddenly, the world started spinning, the heat was overwhelming and, as everything slipped from my vision, I saw a dark shadow creep closer towards me. But I was already falling.

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. A very lavish room, oak furniture and fancy book shelves. Where was I? I didn't know anyone rich or high-class, I didn't really know anyone anymore. My best friend and only friend had just been ripped apart in front of me, my parents are both dead; they died in a shipwreck years ago. No one knows why it suddenly started sinking.

I wearily stood up, wobbling as I walked towards the door, twisting the door knob and cautiously pushing it open. I looked around. I was in a fancy corridor with velvet red carpet and whitewashed walls, a thin boarder at the top and bottom. There were 3 windows on the longest wall, all with silk purple curtains and cream blinds. At the end of the corridor was a set of spiral stairs, a jet black banister twisting and turning to the shape of them.

I stepped down the stairs slowly, taking in the luxurious atmosphere. There was an angry headache punching my temples, making me dizzy and causing a slight blur in my vision.

Raya's thick, blue violet jumper hugged my body as I strolled down the endless staircase. I noticed a small blood stain on it. Strange, I didn't think any of her blood hit me. Walking carefully through the downstairs corridor, I caught sight of an elaborate mirror with a charcoal black frame. I glanced at myself and I saw a completely different person. A person who lets her best friend die. A person who passes out while trying to kill herself. I'm useless to everyone. I stared into my eyes, one blue, one very dark brown, black, almost (in the right lighting). I was injured as a toddler which caused me to be Heterochromatic.

I always got strange looks as if to say 'What's up with her eyes?' It didn't bother me that much as a child but, getting into my teenage years, it started to bug me a lot more.

Wandering into the kitchen area, I realised how empty and deserted this house seemed, where was everyone? I noticed a staircase leading down, a basement? There was a lot of noises coming from underneath me. Millions of thoughts coursed through my head; will this end up like it does in the movies, murder? Am I being ridiculous? Should I go down?

No. I thought. I'll wait for someone to come up. I braced myself, grabbing a knife out of the kitchen drawer. I turned around to check behind me and, as I spun back around to the entrance of the basement, I found a piece of paper, scrunched up in a ball at my feet. It read 'Leave, NOW. They're using you. Get out of there!!' Bewildered, I stumbled backwards into a lamp. It smashed on the floor, blood traces leaking from the lamp shade. Where the hell was I?! A mass murderers house?! I ran for the front door, my pace quickening as I tried to stay quiet. I felt a strong grip on my shoulder.

'Where do you think your going?' A deep voice questioned.

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