Chapter 1: Rough Beginning

Start from the beginning

'Oh, what's your friend's name?'

'He's name is Kyle.'

'Does he like you?'

'Mum. We just met.' She scolded. Mary's mum giggled as she drives. 'I'm only joking, Mary.' Her mum put the radio on and classical music played. Mary don't like classical music. At all. She looked out of the car window, thinking of Kyle as a good friend. Mary had an idea about lying to her parents about him and their interests.

As they got home, Mary and her mum got out of the car. They entered the house. Mary sat on the sofa, pull the book out and started reading. Ten minutes later, her dad and brothers arrived home. Her brothers chasing each other and jumped on Mary. She got mad at shouted at them. 'Stop it! Go and play somewhere else!' Her dad told her off. 'Don't tell them off.' She rolled her eyes, pick her bag up and stomped to her room. Her mum signed and said to her sons, 'Now, stop playing and help mummy pack the food away.' 

Meanwhile, Mary storms in her bedroom and slam the door shut. She sat on the bed, opened a book and start reading. A knock on her door. 'It's dad. May I come in?' He asked. She replied, 'Sure.' He opened the door and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Listen, I know it's annoying to have your brothers being silly. They're kids.' He explained. She still read her book. 'I texted you about the surprise, so here you go.' She put the book down and he handed the wrapped present to Mary. She unwrapped it, slowly and she got the iPod Classic 6th Generation in black. She smiled and hugged her dad. 'Thanks, dad. I always wanted an iPod.' 'You're welcome, sweet heart.' Her dad said. 'Can I create my account?' She asked. 'Of course, darling. I bet you know a lot about technology than mum and I.' He replied. She giggled, 'Yeah. I know what I'm doing, dad.' He stood up and walked to the door. 'We are hoping with that to make you happy.' He smiled. She nodded. 'Now, do your homework until dinner time.' He ordered her. 'Yes, dad.' She groaned. He closed the door behind him. She started her homework. 

Three hours later, she finished her maths and science homework. She done drawing of her art homework. As she nearly finished her English homework, her mum shouted, 'Dinner's ready!' She quickly finished writing the last sentence and she exited her bedroom.

At the dinner table, her mum places the food and sat down between Mary and her husband. 'Now, let us pray.' He ordered. They reached their hands out and grabbed the hands in a circle. He prayed, 'Father, we have gathered to share a meal in your honour. Thank you for putting us together as family and thank you for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all of the gifts you've given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to your purpose for our lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen.' They let go and started eating. Mary's brothers, Peter and Andrew talked about their time at their primary school. Her dad talked about his work in the office and her mum talked about her work in the shop.

Mary zoned herself, ignoring her family. She kept thinking about Kyle and wanting to listen to more metal music. She didn't eat much. Just ate a half of Chicken Casserole. As she left the dining table, her dad demanded her an explanation. 'Where do think you're going?' She continued walking away to her room. Her dad lost his temper and charged at Mary. She ran to bedroom and hold the door shut. He punched and kicked the door. 'LET ME IN!' She tried to hold the door, but she fell face down to the floor by being pushed by the door and her dad stomped in. 'HOW DARE YOU IGNORE MY QUESTION! YOU ANSWER WHEN I ASK YOU!' He got the huge wooden ruler and started hitting Mary. She screamed in pain and begged her dad to stop. He continued hitting her. 

Meanwhile her brother, Peter asked his mum, 'Why is daddy get angry with Mary?' 'Because she didn't do as he said. He's teaching her a lesson.' She answered. Her dad stopped hitting Mary and out of breath. She curled up in the floor, crying. 'Now, answer next time when been asked.' He panted. He exited her bedroom and lock her in. 

She climbed in her bed and grabbed a mirror. Her face is badly bruised and cut. She grabbed her phone and texted Kyle. Guess what? My dad beat me up for not answering his question. Don't tell anyone about this. Two minutes later, he replied the text. OMG. That's awful. See me tomorrow and we'll talk. She replied. OK. Great idea. See ya. She put her mobile phone down and put her pyjamas on. She went into bed and cried in her sleep.

Next morning, she woke up felt bruised. She got dressed in her uniform and put make-up on. She heard the lock on her door clicked. She knows that she can get out. She packed her homework, laptop, her iPod and charger in her bag. She went downstairs to the kitchen. Still fell miserable, she sat on the sofa in the sitting room, reading a book. 'Come here and have breakfast, dear.' Her mum orders. She didn't reply. Her mum repeated a demand. Mary, still didn't listen. Her mum went over the roof, stormed towards Mary and grab her wrist. 'Let go of me, mum.' Mary begged. 'Not until for you have breakfast!' Her mum demanded. Mary yanked her wrist away from her mum and ran to the door. 'Come back here at once!' Her mum yelled. Mary opened the door and walked to school. Her mum signed and walked to the kitchen to give Peter and Andrew the food.

Mary wiped her tears off her face as she quickly walked. She arrives at school, sat on the bench and reading a book. Kyle arrives and saw Mary. He walked towards her and sat beside her. 'Are you okay?' He asked. She nodded. She began to cry. Kyle hugged her for comfort. She thanked him. 'That's okay. Um. I told my parents about this and their decided to have you to stay at my house as long as you need to.' He offered her. She gasped and hugged him. He hugged her back. They became great friends since. 

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