"Hey " Mia said walking in.She looked so strested her hair was every where and her eyes was red like she had been crying.   

"Hey"  I sighed everyone came in after her. Part of me was imbarassed while the other is happy.

"Bro Jail bait long time no see" Ice came up and hugged me every one else followed after him with hugs and I miss yous.

"I miss yall to where is God" I said looking around.

"He um had to take care of some buissness" Jordan said walking back over to his girl freind I nodded.

"Can yall get me the hell out of here Im ready to go" I said sitting my Jello down.

"Ya we can do dat" Mace said.

"But if we do you have to let doc cheak you out eveyday and me push u in a wheel chair" Mia said making me laugh.

"Ok bitch just get me the hell out of here" I said ready to go.

"Ok Im about to go sign the papers and talk som shit out yall help her get dressed" Mace said leaving with Ice q and Jordan behind them. At this poin Oswaldo and Alfonso have already left.

"Here put this on" Bae tossed me a pink sweat suit.

I took off the gown and put on the sweat suit with the help of mia and Bae. "Think you" I said to them.

"For what"

"Being there for me when you dont have to"

"Bitch shut that shit up you my girl" she said bugging me Mia joined the hug.

"Ya we hot you"mia said.

We had been hugging for a while when we hear a knock at the door. "Yall ready"

"Ya"we all answer. Q opens the door with a purple weel chair.

"Where you get this from " I sat in the wheel chair. Mia wheeled me out of the hostpital. I road with Mace, Q,and Ice while Mia and Bae drove themselves.

"What is the real reason he wasnt there" I said looking at everybody. They where quiet for a while untill Mace spoke up.

"We dont Know. He just walked away after the doctor told us what was wrong" I nodded.

"He'll come around" Ice reatured me. I sighed and closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

I woke up when I felt like I was being lifted. I looked to the side to see that V was carrying me. "You know I have a wheel chair right"

"You getting and attitude" he looked at me. I licked my busted lip.

"No" G carried me to my new room. Q told me this the new safe house. I looked around around. The room seemed s little boy ish. G sat me on the bed. "Who's room is this" I asked G.

"Mine" he answered me.

"Umm why cant I have my own room" I looked at him questionably.

"This is the only room that you dont have to walk up stairs" He told me trowing off his shoes and laying down.

I sighed standing up on my good foot. I started hopping on one leg.

"What you doing" G sounded amused.

"Trying to get to the-" I fell on the ground. I could hear G getting up. "No I dont need your help" I said useing my arms to pull myself up.

"I wasnt going to. And the bathroom is over there" he pointed to a door in the room that seemed miled away.

He got off the bed and walked out of the room. I started trying to get up again. I leaned forward and put a little of my weight on my good leg only to fall.

I started to cry. I felt strong arms lift me up. "Put me down". I started hitting him

"smettila prima che tu cada(stop before you fall)"G said. I stopped what this nigga just say.

"What" i said as he sat me down on the sink counter. I only know 3 langages and the one he speaking got me clueless.

"Nothing here put your arms up" I put them up alowing him to slip my sweat shirt off. He slid off my pants. I cant belive im letting this nigga see me naked. He picked me up again sitting me in the tub. I intantly feel the warm water sooth my mucles.

He looks at me clenching and unclenching his jaw. He wasnt looking a my body but the bruises that is on it. I shighed and looked at him. "Umm can you help me my arms are really sore"

He looked at all the large bruises on my arms. He nodded and grabbed a rag. He put some soap on it and began rubbing the rag on my upper body. He was avoiding my breast. I sighed "just do it" he rubbed circles around my nipples making me bite my lip.  He was going downward with the rag going twords my punani. But I grabbed the rag. " I got it from here" I looked at him ready for him to leave.

He just sat there. I looked at him. "Im just trying to make sure you dont hurt yourself" he said looking at my old cut scars on my arms and thighs. I sighed and continued cleaning myself.

"Im done" he leld my hand helping me out of the tub. He handed me a towel. I rapped the towel securely around my body. He picked me back up and walked me back into the main room of the bedroom and put me on the bed.

"Think you" he nodded. He walked to the dresser handing me one of his shirs and boxers and walks out of the room. I put the clothes on slowly makeing sure not to hit my cast or strech my arms to much. The boxers fitted snuggly on me but the shirt fitted more losse.

I looked around the room it is huge. It has what looks like 2 closets also a bathroom that has a toilet with separate tub and shower. The room was painted a darker beigh.

The bed sat in the middle of the room on the wall it is big ass fuck like if I tried I dont think I could get on it by myself. I turned on the tv that sat on one of the dressers.

I was watching Star when G walked back in the room he had a brown bag in his hands. He walked up to me and handed me the bag.

I opeand the bag. It had all kinds of pill viles in it. G handed me a bottle of water. "Those yo meds take one of each and ill get u somin to eat" I sighed and took my meds. I layed down watching my show.

Thick & Thugin (Not EDITED!!)Where stories live. Discover now