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Writer P.O.V :

Ferhat grabbed her roughly and threw her inside the room , she fall and hit her head on the edge of the small table that was beside the bed

She felt fear , so much fear that she never felt in her life !
She can recognize the situation now..
She said to herself that she was going to be fine , that she will survive and will get over it but now she can see the truth .
                                She can't survive it..

She wanted to scream but her voice didn't come out , she wanted to cry but there were no tears .

He was there like an angry lion , walking towards her with anger . She dig with her nails in the wood of the table when he came to grab her up.

She had a line of thick blood on her face and her nails hurt as will . She avoided looking at him and then he started screaming

" What do you think you are doing , huh ? Trying to escape with the help of a young boy ?
Do you really think that can happen ?!
You live because of my mercy , but from now on there will be none .
I can kill your sister and her boy . Is that what you want me to do ?
We had a deal and you broke it and you will be punished, so listen to me carefully..
Your sister and her boy aren't going to get out of here until I say so and treat that wound in your head will as you are not allowed to die until I say so ! From now on you are mine , keep thinking like that "

He said angrily then he threw her back again but not as rough as he did before then he locked the door after he went out
Ferhat P.O.V :

I didn't want that to happen! I didn't want her to get hurt..somehow I didn't mean it .

Seeing her bleed , that look inside her eyes when I left her and that fear..

That memory isn't leaving me , so I stopped the car and went out . I am so angry of her and of myself as well .

Why ?! Why I feel towards her like that ? Why I am going into all of this troubles with Yeter and Namik because of her..just why ?!

He  got back to the car and he called the silent " Tell my uncle that the job was successful.." he was going to end the call but then he asked

" How is the doctor?! " he hesitated when he asked

" We did as you asked , we let go of her sister and the young boy..she talked to the young boy on the boy like she was out .
It looks like she didn't change her position since you left , she didn't do anything about her head as well and we weren't able to do anything.."

he explained and Ferhat got more and more furious

He expected her to hit him or to resist him at anyway , but instead of that she kept hurting herself with that fear , silence and none-resist

He came back quickly and didn't answer anyone's questions, he went directly to the room and open it to find her staying in the dark just as he left her

Without a word he grabbed her , not so roughly, and then he put her in the car

" Seat belt " he ordered but all he got was walking dead reaction , so he did it himself

He was so close to her when he did the seat belt for her , their eyes met and from that short distance he was able to feel her shaking body and up-normal breath

She got her head to the other side not even wanting to look at him and she held her tears back as she didn't want to cry in front of him

" When I look at you..you are not allowed to turn your sight away ! Did you understand?! " he said while he started the engine

" You should thank me you know ? I let them go.." it was his way to say sorry for what he did

" I think it is such a hard life .
Don't you think that as well ?
For the whole of my life I used to be thankful for getting the things that they are already my right .
I used to feel that I am a burden , that I am useless and that I am not enough .
I am not surprised of myself that I really do feel thankful that you did let them go ,
you kept my life as well and I never thought I deserve it..
You didn't take my body by force as well ,
I know that was because I am not even your type but still..
You have blood on your hands , you have my blood on your hands but still I am thankful.
Thanks for making me suffer , thanks for giving me what I deserve and thanks for your mercy that you forgave my sister and her son with it "
she said looking at him

He turned his sight between her and the road , he felt she was insane !
What kind of women would be thankful for things like that ? For a ring on her finger just like cabbage ?

What kind of resistance will she show up ? Those people with nothing to lose are bad , but people who couldn't hate a killer that hurt them and believe that he gave them mercy are the worst

Thinking took his mind away for a while and by then a disaster happened. Voices of shotguns and then he became unable to control the car

" Jump out ! " he ordered her . He wasn't able to get his gun as he tried to control the car

" I can't! " she said with fear , but it wasn't from death..
                           It was from losing him !

It was craziness, but he was the only one who gave her mercy like she deserved , he was the only one who didn't hate her for her bad uncle or her rude sister

He was the one who looked directly to her eyes and made her feel that she is so important that he wanted to get her to himself

He is a killer , he is cruel and he is cold..but something in her heart says that he isn't the way he looks like , her heart says he is different

Maybe she will not be able to take her hijab off in front of him for the rest of her life ,
maybe she will not be able to share him food or money or anything
, maybe she will not be able to say what she feels towards him for the rest of her life ,
as she doesn't know if this is allowed or not , but she will stay beside him even if she said the opposite as she doesn't want to lose that feeling even if it was temporary or fake !

He did it hardly, he finally managed to control the car and they got out .

Voices of gunshots again and he stood in front of her as a reflex of his emotions to her , a reflex of his burning desire to protect her and make her only for him even he thinks that is impossible and can't be .

All of that took only seconds ,
he wanted to ask her to run but his body was already going down and his conscious was fading ,
but she hugged him and they rolled down the hill together..

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