Consequences of survival

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Yara P.O.V

Before my sister was able to say any other word she was on the ground , she fainted .

" Abla ! " I screamed while I put Adam on the ground and went beside her

" Don't worry baby , she is going to be fine " I tried to carry her up and help her to get back conscious

" Great family , hah ! " he said with raising anger even it was supposed to be sarcastic

" Yeah , just like yours " I said , not remembering that Adam was around . I was so nervous to think or to notice anything

He gripped me roughly by my arm

" Ah "  I groaned and then he made me face him and Adam was there shaking his mother's body in silence

" You talk about my family once more and then you will say goodbye to this young boy and his mother, and who knows maybe I would like you to join them .
As you know you don't have a great family as well..uncle who is a leader of a mafia isn't something to be proud of and who knows what about your father and mother.
You know? They say like father like son and I see how is your sister reacting , maybe he isn't that great man as well "

He whispered to my ears with anger as he was controlling himself hardly and he tightened his grab on me as I felt my arm was going to break , but I managed to handle it as much as I can

" Carry your sister ! We are going " he said opening the door

I sighed not believing what he just said , but I didn't have any other choice to stay beside my sister

It was very hard mission that I felt my soul was taking from my body . We finally made it to Namik's house to be there with the rest of the family

I was not able to object, I am hostage after all and the worst thing is I am his wife

The silent helped me with my sister and her son , I put them both to sleep and I didn't have a choice so I went with my own legs to Ferhat room

I knocked as I always do , and I didn't receive an answer  so I opened the door slowly

" If you are going to act like this all the time it won't work , Doctor ! There is no prisoner asking permission before entering his cell " he said to me while he was on bed and closing his eyes

I can't take it anymore. I want to scream, to cry and even I want to die , but I can't even ask for any of that anymore

I entered in silent , taking my place on the ground as it was the only place that was empty of him , I gave him my back and I closed my eyes pretending I was going to sleep

But actually I cried myself to sleep
Ferhat P.O.V :

Being in military for four years can change anyone and it changed me as well , and being in jail changes you more..

Sleeping with no sleep as you always need to be ready , hearing the deep voices of the ants even when your eyes are closed . That is my lifestyle !

So it wasn't so hard for me to hear her , almost , silent wiling .
The way she tried to hold back her breath and the voices of her crying for a thousand times and the long hours of the night she spent crying , I was aware of all of it.

She prayed and then she put herself on the ground again , like she was punishing herself . On that bare ground without a blanket of a pillow and  moving like zombies , she slept like that .

I didn't risk carrying her as she might wake up , I had that odd hesitation when it came to touch her . I just put a pillow beside her and a blanket , I kneeled down a pit watching her swollen face and eyes

" This is it doctor! This what staying alive means , it only means pain .
I won't kill you , this pain will do so your fight isn't only with me , but I promise I won't let you give up..
I will make you suffer more to learn your lesson by yourself "

I said feeling something strange in my heart , like I was stabbing myself not her .

I stood up and walked away before this strange feeling takes control on me more and more
I went down to see my uncle to talk about work as usual. We got into words fight because of Yara as I expected, but as long as the work goes on I will be able to make things on control.

I asked about the doctor, but they said she didn't get down so there were two choices:

The first is : she thinks that she is really a prisoner so she won't get out of the room until I say it is possible

The second is : she went to have a look on her sister and the young boy

I went to our room and she wasn't there and that made me a little bit angry and then I took myself and went to the room her sister was

I didn't knock , as it is not my habit , I just found her sister setting on the bed and when I was going to close the door she started talking

" Are you searching for sis ? " she asked

" Don't thinks she is really your..sis ! So it is non of your business! "  I said feeling so angry with her even I didn't know why

" Oh ! I see.." she said with cunning smile

" What ?! " she provoked me

" You don't like the wild type like me ? Your type is peaceful girls like Yara ? But you always can take us both.."  she said walking towards me

" People like you makes me feel disgusting " I said pushing her away and then Yara went out of the bathroom with Adam

She got her head up to see what was happening and she stood silent , she didn't hear anything but she was clever . I am sure she was able to understand

" Get the boy ready ! We will give them a ride to home and follow me " I said going out

Even I didn't look but I was able to feel that firing look the doctor gave to her sister

I went out putting my hands in my pocket to find a paper written on it some instructions to help a small boy save a hostage !
That I was able to know from what was written and it was not something good for me , so I came not waiting for her to come and I grabbed her while her sister didn't stop smiling..

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