We decided to seat together with them Bom was debating if she would join but Jiyong said something unexpectedly"Top Hyung and his fish like girlfriend broke up"Jiyong told us.

"So that's why I saw her always fucking everywhere"CL said boredly"Watch your mouth lady"Seungri warned but CL just stucked her touge at Seungri and the two started bickering.

We ate together with the boys and we're having a great time with them but I saw Bommie and Top are so awkward towards each other..


                    Time skipped

At last.... finally our last subject Mr.Hee chul came"So class since that there's a program in this time of month and it is very important Im moving the date of our activity"after hearing it many started complaining...

Except us and Jiyong"This is crazy we only have 3 weeks to prepare!"one of my classmates complained again.

I looked at CL and I saw her winked at the three of us I smirked at her knowingly....we already practice our choreo the only left is that our vocals.

When Bom we're kind of broken hearted we didn't stopped composing and practicing good thing CL was in mood on doing this things and heck were very bored in these past months so they can't blame us being ready...

I took a glance at Jiyong and I guess they are also prepared they're not that bothered base on their reaction....

I was startled when our eyes met my heart beat went rapidly as if it run on marathon,I blushed when he winked at me.

I quickly diverted my attention at my notes which is full of scribbles cause of my boredom.

Just then I felt my phone vibrated

From:Jiyongie~💕"Enjoying the view Baby Girl"

I didn't reply to his text.....Jeez

"Got caught"Bom mumbled but I heard it I let out a nervous laugh...

"Ok class dismissed"Once Mr.Hee chul announced it all of my classmates went off hurriedly"Probably they would be practicing"I thought to myself,I felt that someone held my hand and I looked at the owner's hand.

"Jiyong"I said and he smiled at me "Girls I need to borrow Sabrina"he said at the three"Sure"Bommie said and as a que Jiyong pulled me out of the classroom"Oppa!!!Be sure to bring her back in complete state!"CL shouted "I will!!!" Jiyong also shouted.

"Why do you have to call hyung Oppa?!I'm your Oppa!!!"I heard Seungri complained...that made me crack.

"Where are we going?"I asked Jiyong but he did not answered,he was still pulling me until outside of the Univ.

We stopped at the convenience store,I looked at him questionly"I'm hungry,I want ice cream"Jiyong said while pouting at me that me laughed hard.

"I thought that something came up"I playfully smacked the back of his head....

And this time I was the one who pulled him inside the store"What flavor do you want?"he asked as he take a look at the various flavors"I want some vanilla and a strawberry flavor"I said and he looked at me with the look of Are you kidding me! And I blinked my eyes many times trying to looked as innocent... he only laughed at me and pinched my cheeks.

We went out of the store carrying some plastic bags with ice creams in it.

We walked to the park hand in hand while eating our ice cream.......

"How can you eat that fast?"Jiyong asked chuckling that made me flushed"Is it bad?"I asked and he shake his head"No...I actually like it"he said while pinching my right cheeks which made me totally blushed gahddd!!!I'm really looked like a f*** tomatoes.

"Cute"I heard him mumbled I snapped my head at him....wrong move Sandara Park!

Our faces are inches apart and I saw him looked at my lips....he was leaning closer.

I closed my eyes waiting for it but heck I heard him chuckled....I opened my eyes quickly and he started laughing....

I quickly grabbed his cheek and pinched it"Aw..aw..aww..baby that hurts"Jiyong said still laughing...I turned my back at him and started walking but ended up stopping because of the little girl in front of me...

She looked at us questionly she titlted her head and looked at Jiyong and her gaze went back at me.

"Unniey..Oppa can Hyuna know what Oppa was trying to do to Unnie?"the little girl asked that made me totally blushed....

Jiyong went to the little girl and swatted to level her he faced her and looked at her while smiling..

"Hmmm Oppa was trying to hugged Unnie"Jiyong told the little girl....I silently laughed when the girl started questioning Jiyong again!

"Why does Oppa have to hug Unnie?"little Hyuna asked again"Cause Oppa loves Unnie"Jiyong smiled at her"I'm hungry"Hyuna mumbled"Do you want ice cream?"I asked smiling at her and she nodded happily....

The three of us decided to take a seat at a nerby bench Hyuna was in middle,Jiyong was at the left side and I was at the right side....

The three of us are eating happily when an old couple passed by us...

"Looked at them honey what cute family"

"Yeah just like the old days"

When I heard it my face blushed....I turned my gaze at Jiyong and his also blushing,I heard Hyuna giggling...

"So are you alone little girl?"I asked trying to fight back my flustered face"No I'm with my nanny"Hyuna answered"And where is she?"Jiyong also asked I don't know I think I'm lost..hehehe"Hyuna said that made the two of us shocked.

"Should we look for your Nanny"I suggested and she nodded we looked around the park trying to find Hyuna's Nanny.

"Hyuna-yah!!!!"we heard someone shouted.

And we turned around we saw a woman running towards us"Nanny!"Hyuna shouted in delight "Ommo!!! You made me nervous...where have you been?"Her Nanny asked"Sorry I was playing and I didn't know that I went furder...Hyuna won't do it again"Hyuna apologize while pouting...

Her Nanny looked at the both of us and smiled"I'm really sorry if we bothered you two"Her Nanny looked at us apologizing"It's Ok we actually enjoyed the company of Baby Hyuna"Jiyong said smiling at Hyuna...

We bid our farewell at Hyuna and started walking away,Jiyong held my hands until we reached our home....ok ....not...home=_=

At first Jiyong was shooked at how big it was but he shrugged it off...

"Sorry if our date was-"I cutted him off"No I actually loved it"I said smiling at him"You should get inside"Jiyong said and I nodded...

I was about to open the gate but he suddenly held my wrist....and made me face him.

He held my chin and kissed my forehead"Good night Baby Girl"Jiyong said and smiled tenderly at me"Good night too love"the both of us smiled at each other....I waved my hands at him when he started walking away...I went inside to my room happly....






       A/n: Hey guys sorry it took me long to update....and I'm blaming my author's block with it....plus I don't have a good connection that's why😅..... Sorry for the grammatical errors.....I know this chapter socks....should I discontinued??????

                                   Blackfrost ❄❄❄

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