The Girl with No Name

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    How long had she been traveling? That was a good question. When had she begun traveling? When had she gotten on the road? Where was she? Who was she? So many questions and just a continuing pile with no answers.

     The dirt road was open beneath her feet. Grass grew on either side along with the trees of the forest. When had she even gotten into the forest? Light filtered through the branches of the trees. Animals made various sounds throughout the place. Everything was blurry though.

     Her head hurt. She could feel the headache pounding in her skull. Her vision was barely stable enough to make out everything. Her body seemed to work on it's own. She had no destination in mind, she did not even know where she was. Still, she refused to stop. There was something in her that made her go on. There was no time for stopping, even if she might as well be stumbling at this point. 

     She could not remember how she had gotten to walking on that road. It seemed like she had come out of some sort of sleep during her trek to no where. All she had done was look ahead and kept walking. Even with her pounding head. Even with the blurry vision. There was something that told her to keep going. 

     That is until she tripped.

     She laid there for who knows how long. She was tired, thirsty, hungry, but she ignored all of those feelings, weakly pushing herself up. The questions still ran through her head. Her body worked and it was as if she were trapped in her own head, not allowed to make the decisions for herself.

     She stumbled to the closest tree, to support herself. She was dizzy, her vision swam even more. She took deep breath, hoping to stabilize something. There was no doubt something was wrong. Her body was in pain, she could feel it. Yet, by some unknown cause or reason, her body just wanted to continue onwards. 

     It felt like there was a large weight on her shoulders. Her body was begging for rest, and she wanted to allow it, but she could not. She did not know what was happening or why. It was just more questions to add to the ever growing list. 

     There was a sudden burst of fire that nearly caused her to tumble backwards. She turned and found the source...well many a source. She could just make out the head of the people surrounding her.  

     He was probably around her age...whatever that was. He was bald for the most part, except for the weird ponytail that was tied up in the back of his head. He wore a heavy set of armor colored red, black and some dark brown. He had gold eyes that glared at her in contempt. His left eye was covered in a large scar. 

     "Peasant!" The boy stepped forward, "How dare you try to sneak up on me!"

     She raised a brow, "Do you start every conversation like this?"

     There was a snicker from somewhere. The boy now got in her face. He was mad. He was very mad. She could have cared less at that moment. She wanted rest, she wanted to get away from the pain. He was only in the way of her actually leaving so she could gain control of her actions again. 

     "I will not repeat myself," the boy growled, "who are you and why are you near my camp?"

     She simply shrugged, "I don't know."

     "That not an answer!"

     "It is when you really don't know and it's to the point you don't even know what you don't know."

      "Woman!" She flinched when his fist was set on fire and he came very close to hitting her, but a new voice interrupted him.


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