The Thrill of the Hunt (while injured)

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     "Uncle, I'm dying of boredom. My writing hand is injured, so I can't continue my story. All we've been doing is practicing my reading and writing skill for hours and I can't do any training!" Hikari fell on her back, "I'm going stir-crazy! Stir-crazy I tell you!"

     Ever since the bad storm that had happened last week, the poor female had been kept under watch to be sure she did not try to train while she was recovering. Iroh had been trying to help by bringing up her studies for longer periods of time, but it seemed she had reached her end. She was ready for something other than Pai Sho or learning to make a good pot of tea. She wanted action. Action she was not going to get.

     Because of all of her dilemmas, the girl wore a sleeves red tunic with black pants. She was too  lazy to tuck them into her boots with only one hand. Lately, that had led to her walking around barefoot. With only one hand, her hair had been left down to show off the combination of curls and waves it possessed. Of course, she was also forced to wear the blasted sling.

     "Niece, why don't you fetch Prince Zuko?" The old man had already pulled out a tea pot, "By the time you get back, we can all enjoy a soothing cup of tea."

     She huffed, "Fine."

     The girl got to her feet and was out the door. The stairs posed no challenge. They were behind her in seconds. At the bottom, she let herself out onto the deck. Of course, to her chagrin, Zuko was in his dark red, sleeveless training tunic, doing the exact thing she was not allowed to do: train.

     She walked forward, but kept herself out of range. Fire was getting blasted all around. It was three against one. Zuko was putting distance between himself and his adversaries. Apparently, just her walking out onto deck was enough to put a stop to the fight.

     The prince turned, wanting to see who had caused his opponents to end the fight without his orders. Seeing it was only Hikari, he rolled his eyes. His uncle had put a strict prohibition on allowing the female to train. As long as that sling was on, she was not even aloud to touch her kusarigama, even if it was just to pick it up. Apparently, the crew was keen on making sure she had the fastest recovery.

     "Yo, highness," she yelled.

     He made a face at the wording, "What?!"

     "Uncle Iroh wants you in his room to join us for tea."

     "Tell him I'm busy."

     "OH NO!!!" She stormed up to him, "No! You're out here, doing whatever you want while I have to suffer with reading and writing and lady-like stuff that I have no idea why I'm being taught that." She jabbed her finger into his chest, "You could at least cut me some slack and come with me..." Her nose scrunched up, "Tea's ready by now apparently."

     "Well, have fun with that," he replied, turning to go back to his spar.

     Instead, the brunette grabbed him by the ear, dragging him away, "Nope! I can't take uncle on my own for the rest of today."

     The boy pulled himself away, "Alright!" He rubbed at his ear, "Just don't do that again."

     Hikari ran ahead, making sure her friend was following. She knew very well that he would try to go back outside if she just left him alone. To Zuko, she almost acted like toucan puffin trying to lead him to a cavehopper.

     They made a quick stop by the prince's room for him to change, but the last flight was the same. The girl was all the way at the top of the staircase before he was even on the third. She leaned over the railing, hair hanging on either side of her face, making sure he would not turn around.

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