Chapter 7

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A/N  Hi Readers (If I have any) sorry for the late update I have been  busy moving houses and I have been tackling school work as well. So anyway here's the new chapter. Enjoy! Allons-y!


Doctor POV

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the TARDIS landed. Softly, for once. Jack and I shared an anxious but excited look. Just the thought of me being able to see my precious flower again ignited my adrenaline. I swear on Gallifrey that if whoever has kidnapped her, has hurt her I will torture them until they feel the pain I felt after the Time War. After I had to leave my Rose. After I tell Rose how much I-

"Uhhh Doctor!?" Jack's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"Yeah, Jack!?" 

"We gonna go or what?"

"Yup we are, come along Harkness!" Said I popping the P.

I pulled open the TARDIS' doors desperate to see my Rose again.Desperate to hold her. Desperate to keep her from harm's way and as close to me as possible. Jack walks out first then I. The sight before my eyes, fuels my adrenaline to anger. Pure anger!

Rose POV

After what felt like 2 hours I wake with a start. "Aghhhh!" I cry out in pain as a burning sensation fills my chest and mind. It feels like I am the BAD WOLF again. My vision blures as my breaths weaken. My whole body tingles as it burns. What is happening? Where am I? Is all I think over and over in my head. A new question pops into my pulsing mind. Where is Jack? Then another question. Was that the Doctor or a stranger? My eyes flutter closing again all my questions spinning in my head. Oh it hurts!

Doctor POV

The room. It is disgusting. Filled with alien technology. Not just any alien technology. Time Lord technology. This shouldn't exist. Yet it does. Suddenly, a voice is heard. A voice I know all to well. No. It can't be HIM. He is supposed to be dead.

"Well, well, well. Look who with have here. The Doctor and Ex Time Agent. How are you fine fellows?" 

Jack  and I gingerly turn knowing both how impossible it is and who it is. As I turn, my eyes instantly meet the man and they fill with rage that I fear if I speak a single word I will lunge and attack him. My face shows nothing but anger as my breathing quickens and my blood boils.

"Oh come on Doctor! It is rude to not speak when spoken to, where are your manners?!"


"Your Rose? Ha! I think you mean my Rose. "

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" Jack shouts at my side

"Ah! Mr Harkness I was begining to forget you were here. I thought my thug got rid of you. Oh wait, I forgot you are immortal. It has been so long since our last meeting don't you think?"

"Just tell us where Rose is!" I exclaim 

"Okay fine, you wanna know where she is I understand but why don't you just see for yourself"

Confusion flashed across my face. What did he mean see for yourself? He wasn't going to take us knowing how capable we are. A screen appears from nowhere  and it looks like security camera footage. Footage of medical room. Footage of my pink and yellow human thrashing about on a medical bed. This right here is torture. 

"Oh this is priceless! You're faces are full of rage. One of the reasons I carried out this experiment!" 

"What experiment?!" I ask through gritted teeth my anger reaching it's peak. My eyes never leaving the screen. 

"I call it T.A.E. Of course this is the first chance me and my helpers have been able to carry it out so it might go wrong on little Miss Tyler. By wrong I mean death. She has a 50/50 chance of death or other."

"Other being?" asked Jack

"Shhh spoilers! Now that would be ruining the surprise. All I have to do is wait about ooh 4 hours then I will know. For the time being gentlemen you two will be locked up in a cell with a direct video link so you will watch Miss Tyler writhe around in pain until she wakes. Oh and Doctor don't assume your sonic screwdriver will get you out of the cell as it has special bars with wood inside so yeah won't work."

"Mr Jones and Miss Jones please escort our guests to the cells!" 

Yet again confusion filled my mind who did he call to? My question was all too soon answered when a familiar face came up behind me and shackled my ankles and wrists. No. Why did he do it? All people he had to brainwash he chose Martha. 

"I-Ianto! Ianto what are you doing? Ianto please don't! Ianto come back to me!" Jacks cries startled me as I crane my neck towards him and see that Ianto Jones fron Torchwood has done the same thing Martha has done but to Jack.

"Ianto what has he done?!"

"He won't answer. He's been brainwashed. There is no point."


"No but's Jack just surrender"

"Good boys! You have finally learnt to listen to your... Master" 

Hatred and anger fill me! The Master will pay for hurting Rose!

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