Chapter 4

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Jack POV

I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I looked into her said eyes, Only just noticing the dark rims under her eyes and how bloodshot her eyes were. How could I break her even more? I simply couldn't so I said what she wanted to hear. "Of course you can use it Rosie." In an instant her eyes lit up a bit more and some colour returned into her cheeks. She pulled me into a crushing bear hug. I reciprocated the gesture. Did she know the full extent of danger she was putting herself in? I had to tell her if she didn't know. 

"Hey Rose, um do you know how dangerous it will be?" I ask tentatively 

"Yeah I do Jack but I will go through anything and do anything to get back to the Doctor because I love him!" Rose cried as I rubbed her back up and down soothingly

"Come on then, let's get to work as it will take a few trips to find him." I say

Rose POV

Jack wasn't joking. It took ages just to find the other teleport device. Luckily, Jack worked out the co-ordinates to the other world very easily. Once the co-ordinates were set we were ready to go. 

"Ready?" Jack asked me a look of excitement and worry washed over his face but disappeared in a blink. 

"Ready." I replied

Together, we pressed the special button on the device and it teleported us to the other world. Everything twisted and turned. It was like looking at funhouse mirrors except you felt like it as well. We finally came to a stop. 

"Looks like we made it Rosie!" Jack exclaimed.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain go through my side. I screamed out in anguish and Jack was startled. 

"Rose! Rose are you okay?!" Jack asked me as I stopped screaming. I looked down and saw red blood dripping down my left said where the pain was. I shared a puzzled expression with Jack. Slowly, I lifted up my white tank top to reveal a series of cuts along my side. 

"H-how?" I asked shocked

"Like I said, it would be dangerous" replied Jack ripping the corner of his shirt and tying it around my waist. 

"Come on then we need to find the Doctor." I say through gritted teeth.

Me and Jack went through the town of London. God how I missed it. The smell of Hot Dogs wafted through the air and Jack's face instantly lit up. 

"Rosieeee?" asked Jack drawing the 'e' out.

"Yes Jack?" I reply knowing what he was gonna say

"Can we quickly stop and get some hotdogs?"


"I am really hungry and alsothereisareallyhotmanbuyingahotdogaswespeak!"

I laugh at the captain as a slight blush creeped into his cheeks. "Okay, you buy us a hotdog each whilst I look around for any signs of the Doctor 'k?" 

"Okay, love you Rosie your the best!" I could hardly hear the last part of what he said because he was already running towards the hotdog stall. I started to walk down the market when I thought I saw a glimpse of a brown trench coat. Could it be? Is it he? I followed the mysterious sight towards an alley. When all of a sudden big manly arms locked around my neck. I tried breaking free of the arms but they were too strong. I felt a rag go to my face it must've been soaked with some knockout solution as one minute I was awake the next I was knocked out. 

Jack POV

Where is she? I thought. Maybe she has found the Doctor. No, she wouldn't have found him so easily if at all. It will be like a wild goose chase before we find him. Come on Jack think positive! Wait is that her? I say to myself as I see her blonde hair turn into an alley. I have to catch up to her. As I turn the corner I see Rose's limp body being put into a van by a big muscular man. "Hey!" I shout

"What?!" He shots back his voice booming. 

"Who are you and what are you doing with my friend!?" I ask him anger rising 

"Well you see your little blonde friend will be tortured then she will be sold." He replied smirking 

"Over my dead body!" I retort 

"As you wish!" the burly man smiled an evil mailicious smile then ran towards me tackling me to the ground and beating me until I fell limp. Dead. About a minute passed and I could finally breathe again. I stand up dazed and look around. 'Where is she' I shout to myself
"Arggghhhh" I scream out punching the wall
"Jack?!" I hear a voice behind me so I turn thankful for the sight I see. Thank God! It was the Doctor
"Jack what's wrong!"
I shouldn't tell him. He would be so angry. But I have to tell him.
"They took her." I mumbled
"Who took who?" He questioned
"This man in a van he took R-rose." I say
The Doctors face lightened up at the mention of Rose but then twisted into anger.
"What! What!" He exclaimed

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