“But what about swimming?” I ask Eleanor, and she wraps an arm around me.

“Please! I would much rather be with you than swimming!”

My mood brightened, knowing that I was going to see all of my closest friends again. Harry now moved into the kitchen, dangerously close to my chocolate milk.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” I ran into the kitchen, and Harry froze. “What do you think you’re doing? Back off of my milk!” I pick up the cool glass and drained it in one gulp. Harry just shook his head and began typing away on his phone.

“We’re here!” I hear Liam enter my flat and I turn to see the other boys. A large grin spreads on my face, replacing the pout that had become permanent at the beginning of the day.

“Hey, guys!” I chirped, and Liam came forward to give me a hug. I was about to hug him when I saw what Louis was carrying. I ran around Liam, who had his arms outstretched and instead hugged Louis.

“You brought a cake!” I cheered.

“A carrot cake!” Louis added, cheering with me.

“The cake part was my idea, but the carrot part was Lou’s.” Liam stated behind me.

“You really know the way into my heart.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of the cake, my bad mood completely vanishing.

“It’s not that difficult. We just do whatever we would do to cheer Niall up!” Zayn jokes and he whispers something else into Perrie’s ear, causing her to giggle. He wraps him arms around her and holds her tight, and I smile at the cute couple. No matter what people said, they were happy, and that was all that mattered.

Louis brought the cake into the kitchen and we all migrated around it. Liam cut us all pieces, mine slightly larger than the others.

As we talked and laughed, I completely forget all of my past troubles. As long as I was with the people I loved, I was okay.

“Hey, let’s go to the park or something!” El proposed and she received a high five and kiss from Louis.

“Let me get my shoes.” I place my empty plate in the sink and leave the kitchen. I walk down the short hallway to my room, and the farther away I got from the laughter, the closer I got to my problems again. I remembered what I had heard a couple of days ago; I realize that that was what has been causing my mood. I tried not to think about it, but the worry just wouldn’t leave.

I sat down on my bed, pulling on my shoes. I stared at the picture frame that sat on the dresser in front of me. It was of all nine of us when we had gone bowling a few months ago.

I don’t know how much time passes, but I hear a soft knock on my door, bringing me back to reality.

“Come in.” I call weakly.

Niall sticks his head in, and the mere sight of him makes me feel sick. Why did it have to be so? With what I was feeling for him, I wished it wasn’t true. I remembered the Titanic, and how I felt that I could relate to Rose. She had fallen in love- but then it was all taken away from her by something out of her control.

“Are you okay, Samantha?” Niall walked in and sat down next to me, making my heart sink deeper.

“Just one of those days.” I lied, repeating what I had told Liam over the phone.

“Samantha, I know something’s on your mind.” His bright blue eyes met mine. How could I lie to him?

I sigh and look down at my feet. “You’re going away soon, aren’t you?”

“Who told you?” He asked, and I could tell that he was slightly shocked that I knew.

“I heard Perrie and El comforting Dani about it the other day.”

“Oh.” Was all Niall managed to say.

“So you are leaving?”

Niall gently moved my chin to face him; my skin tingled where he touched me. “If you think that I’m going to forget about you while I’m on tour- well, you’re wrong.”

I shook my head. “Don’t make promises that you can’t keep.” I imagined all of the girls that were going to flirt with him, how most of those girls were probably going to be prettier than me.

“It’s not a promise. It’s the truth. I’d be an idiot to forget you.” And with that, Niall ducked his head down and kisses me.

My heart stopped, and I took me a second to begin kissing him back. It was a light kiss, but still it made everything come together. Niall really did care about me.

Our lips broke apart, but our foreheads stayed pressed together.

“Everything’s going to be alright?” I ask him.

I feel him shake his head slightly. “Everything’s going to be perfect.”

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