"We have to get a new crystal to operate the ship." Coran explained, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. "Where are we going to get that?" Keith asked anxiously. "We need to find a Balmera. But to get there, we need a ship." Coran explained while spreading his arms, clearly feeling helpless.

"We can use the pod I was loading. I left the bay door open." Pidge said a bit hesitantly. And you looked at her. Was she still going to leave? Still after she promised you? And it was like Pidge had known what you were thinking as she didn't even look towards you. But you looked at her, your eyes getting teary again. Suddenly you felt like you were falling apart.

But her plans of leaving helped you out at the moment. Coran cheered up and started to make plans straight away. There was no time to lose. "Good, I can scan the nearby area to see if there's a Balmera there. Hunk, you come with me. I need a strong one to help me carry it." Coran urged Hunk as he was leaving. And Hunk didn't even have to think twice as they were already out. "Be careful!" Allura still encouraged them as they left.

Pidge went to escort them to the pod. And as she was leaving, she looked back at you. And you could see her teary eyes. She gazed at you apologetically as she hurried out of the room.

"I'll go see what's happening at the village." Keith said looking at the Arusian King, who was still standing there in slight panic. "You go with him (Y/N)." Shiro ordered you. And you nodded, even though you were still feeling like you would crumble down any second. But before you started leaving, you still glanced at Lance who had his head on Allura's lap. You really hoped that he was going to be okay.

But as you were getting up, the pain you had blocked out, came back stronger than before. You stumbled back down on your knees as the sharp pain cut through you again. And it felt like hell. "(Y/N)!?" Keith yelled as he ran to you. "What's wrong (Y/N)!?" Allura asked worried. "I..I can't move my left arm..." You said, shivering under the pain.

Shiro immediately kneeled down next to you. "Can I try?" He asked after observing you. And you nodded at him. Then he took a hold of your left arm. With the other hand he grabbed your shoulder and slightly moved it. It sent a piercing pain through your arm. And you screamed from the pain. "What are you doing? Can't you see she's hurting!" Keith yelled agitated.

But Shiro just ignored Keith's yelling. "(Y/N), your shoulder is dislocated." He said to you calmly. "I can't function. It hurts like hell." You said with a trembling voice. But then Shiro lifted your chin up and looked at you straight in the eyes. "(Y/N), I can put it back, but it will hurt. Can you handle it?" He asked, still as calm as ever.

You looked at Shiro. And those reassuring eyes always made you feel comfortable. You really felt like everything would be all right with him. So you took a deep breath and nodded. You could handle it.

Shiro didn't hesitate as he started to take the armour off from your arm and upper body. And you groaned. You knew he tried his best not to hurt you, but every little move made a sharp stinging pain go through your body.

"Keith, come help me." Shiro ordered Keith, who was standing a bit farther. "You have to keep her still. She cannot move." Shiro explained to Keith. And he quickly came next to you and lowered himself to his knees.

Keith hesitated at first, but then he put his right hand behind your neck and turned your head towards him. With his left hand he took a firm grip on your back. He looked at you while he pulled you close to his chest. And you could feel his breath brushing against your face. He held you tight so you wouldn't move.

Shiro looked at Keith, who nodded at him. "Are you ready?" Shiro then asked you. And you took a deep breath. "I am." You quietly said as you looked up at Keith, who gave you a reassuring nod. Then you prepared for the pain and tensed up. You felt Keith's hold tighten around you as Shiro moved your arm carefully. And then he popped your shoulder back.

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