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Hello everyone, thank you for showing interest in this book and spending your valuable time here. I appreciate it a lot.

The reason I have decided to discontinue writing this book is because of mainly personal ideals. I have thought long and hard about the idea of fanfiction about real people and something does not feel quite right. Sure, they are a great way to connect to your favourite celebrity by imagining a nice scenario with them, because don't we all fantasize about meeting our adored idols? Yes, we do, and fanfiction may just be the perfect outlet.

However, I want you to consider one simple thing. Suppose you are a celebrity, rising or renowned, and you decide to look yourself up on the internet one day. Then you come across many stories written about you. You may be amazed at the dedication of your fans and their skills and you may want to look for more.

Then you may start becoming disappointed. Why? Maybe the writer didn't get your character right, maybe your character is engaging in activities you are uncomfortable with, etc. You may find uncomfortable depictions and interpretations of your traits and behaviour. How will you feel? Surely not very good. An average person would feel vulnerable and maybe even insecure, by thinking of how the other people thinks of them.

Maybe I went too far with my example, but I have went through similar situations of being uncomfortably portrayed in front of others and I can relate to how others in such situations may feel about it. So I have decided not to write fanfiction about real people anymore, because what I might just write for fun could end up hurting someone's feelings, and I don't want anyone to feel like that, at least because of me.

You may agree or we may agree to disagree. I do not intend to hurt your views neither do I intend to hurt anyone involved in writing fanfiction. This is merely just my personal opinion and viewpoint regarding fanfiction about real people. I don't want to discourage you from doing it, but I want you to know one thing, even though you may know it already: These idols (famous or not) are human too, just like you and me, and they have feelings too. So, please, do not write or support fanfiction that might hurt their feelings. Put yourselves in their shoes and think of how you would have felt if someone wrote like that about you.

Thank you all so much for sticking around till the end. I hope I did not offend anybody, as it was in no way my intention, and even if I did, I apologise. Do keep in mind that this is purely my opinion and you are not forced to accept it or agree with it. Sayonara.

P.S. Don't leave yet! There is good news, if you do follow my writing that is T_T, which is I might move the storylines I made for this book to my other one One-shots, to be rewritten or newly written as stories of fictional characters. If you are interested, be sure to look them up!

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