Chapter 1

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I enter a random Halo server, eager to start playing. I put my headphones on, my microphone poking me in the face several times in the process. I enter a capture the flag map. I was on the blue team, as usual. It was usual the better team, but there were exceptions. The guy beside me pulled out a shotgun and I almost literally facepalmed. Case and point.

"Are you an idiot?!" I scream I can feel every pixelated head turning towards my character, noticing I am a girl. (Maybe add something here about how it's really stupid that girls can't be considered gamers too. :P) "We are going to need rapid fire! Shotgun is not going to give you rapid fire; it takes too long to reload." The guy keeps his head turned forward.

"Yeah, but that's exactly it. They won't expect it." His voice was, I'm not going to lie, very attractive. (Different word instead of attractive? Doesn't quite fit. Also, I switched the "yes" to "yeah" because gaming servers, I'm assuming, are very informal.)

"So they're not going expect me to run in there with a 22 Magnum either; you know why? Because it's stupid and you'll get yourself killed," I scream into my microphone. I was watching slowly as the clock counted down for us to start going. (Running? Not going.)

"The element of surprise, ZombieSurviver. The element of surprise," he said just as the timer ran out and we started heading towards enemy base. I turned my character towards him and laughed evilly.

"Surprise muther focker!" I scream into my mic and then I no scoped him. (Not going to comment because I'm not a gamer and have no idea what that is.) I heard a girly scream come from his mic and watched as his pixelated body hit the floor.

"Are you kidding me?" he shouted.

"The element of surprise, HomelessGoomba." I laugh hysterically (more description here would be great).

"When the fuck did friendly fire become an option?" he asks.

"Since forever noob." I say, running around our base. Suddenly my pixelated body drops to the floor and a character with a shotgun ran over my body. (Used body twice. Change one?)

"Oh you jerk! How dare you walk over my body (three) like that!" I laugh. (Laugh is a bit weird to use here.. Something more like rage would work.) We ended spending the rest of the game shooting at each other and completely ignoring our duty of protecting our flag. Our enemy looked at us like we were complete idiots. We were acting like it and we totally knew it.

"Hey, I gotta go; I'm gonna go look at a room for rent but send me a game request whenever." I say suddenly, logging off of my Xbox 360 and throwing it in a box (using box twice is awkward) that had all of my electronics. From what it sounds like our deals pretty much sealed so everything I have is packed up. (Might want to explain that she's moving more earlier? Came on suddenly.)

I get in my dark purple Honda that my dad bought me when I was 16, god I miss him. Nothing I can do anyway he was framed for murder He won't be out for a while even if he is in Canada. I run the tank slowly. "Hey lil' Lady." I say patting her.

"We are going to ride you there and if we get the room ill take a taxi back." I than hop on her grabbing my helmet I've had since grade three.

As I pulled up to there house I got nervous. I slowly get of Lil' Lady and take off my helmet and leather jacket revealing my bright green shirt that hung down almost to my knees and teal jeans with my blue converses. I really didn't care what I looked like, it was comfortable.

As I walked up to the door it swung open giving me a mini heart attack as Jordan stood there laughing at me. "Jordan you focker I hate you." I say in between breaths.

"We also welcome you as well Kat." Cierra said motioned me in. I first removed my shoes it was a pet peeve i had to. These two are the only ones I've met so for. In their living room sat another boy and another girl.

"Here Kat let us introduce all of us ."Cierra said pushing me down on the couch.

"Of course I'm Cierra the always random one who has a thing for stuffed animals." I nodded

"Information noted." I said smiling.

"This is Venturian the more adventurous one." She said gesturing to Jordan.

"Wait did you just call him Venturian is that an Inside joke?" I ask interrupting her.

"Oh no it's his YouTube name." She simply states. "That's Bethany she's evil and Ginger. She's also the violent one of the family."

"Sounds like someone who I'd enjoy." I stated smiling.

"I already have a feeling you two will be friends," She happily says. "Oh and This is Issac the complete troll and cheatsidoodle, Jumpspot kid of the family."

"Sounds like someone I'd use friendly fire on." I state simply.

"It's already happened once today." He says.

I laugh at the thought of him rage quitting. "Okay so where's my room?" I ask them.

"This way." Bethany responded to me dragging me up stairs and down a hallway.

"Wow it's great how much do you want a month?" I asked nervously I really hope I could still afford this place with my High School loans still to pay off.

"Oh that's not a problem You can just stay we need some other human interaction around here." She says smiling.

"You're kidding." I gape. She can't seriously just let me stay.

"Well I heard you're a good cook so feed us and you can stay." She said smiling as her red curls bounce around.

"Oh thank you so much I don't know what I can do to repay you." I hug her violently.

"Like I said just cook for us. We won't let you pay a thing." I smile at her.

"Thank you so much I gotta go home and get my stuff though." I say still smiling ear to ear.

"Won't you need some help?" She asks rather politely.

"Nah I'm fine." I say shaking my head.

"I will go with her." Issac shouted.

"I said I didn't need any help." I yell frustrated.

"Don't care I'm stubborn and coming." he simply states pouting like a three year old.

"Fine." I sigh. "You can come with.."

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