Chapter 4

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I stare at him shocked and than continue to glare at Jerry for ratting me out. I threw on a coat, I had left here a year ago and try walking past issac to the door but of course I get no such luck. "Katharina Athena Rivers what are you doing at a fight club?" He asked angrily. I sighed plopping down on the chair next to him running a hand through my hair which was now loose because the hair thing broke while I was fighting. I turned bright red as he stares at me angrily.

"Jerry!" I yell angrily, the man quickly comes over to me a damp clothe in his hand. Issace looks at the clothe suspiciously.

"What's that?" He asked pointing nervously to the rag as I slowly started walking towards him.

"Nothing." I say soothingly, I step closer to him again and held the rag out to him. "Does this smell like chloroform to you?" I ask with a sweet smile. He leaned down to sniff it and before he knew what was happening I was pinning him holding the rag to his mouth saying. "Sh Sh it's okay, it's okay." I quickly jumped off of him handing the rag to Jerry.

"Uncle Jerry would you mind?" I ask pointing to the clothe than to myself. He chuckles shaking his head at the ground.

"Your daddy raised you well Vi." He says before putting a different Rag over my mouth. This was to make sure I could go back to sleep and Issac wouldn't remember a thing about Violet.


I woke up stretching and rolling out of bed. Half of my boxes were still packed, but I was much to lazy to even bother trying to unpack it. I quickly got up throwing on a pair of pastel color shorts and a tank top. I left my only pair of shoes at the door, Plain black converses. I slowly made my way down the stairs tripping at the fourth from the bottom. I rolled down the rest of them with a agonized grunt."Damnit." I curse as I land at the bottom, a small bruise already appearing on my forearm.

Not even here one day and I've managed to bruise myself, smooth. I glanced towards the clock with a tired expression. 6:26 AM, I had a while till school, but I also had to make breakfast.
So I did, I quickly threw together some pancakes and eggs in time for most of the Fryes to come down in unison, well almost unison, Bethany showed first, then Sierra made an appearance, then Issace, and last to be awake, Jordan.

I sat them down for breakfast quickly, before making my way back upstairs for a simple shower. I grabbed my clothes from my room and dances towards the bathroom, the shower was quick and uneventful, besides my simple screech as a spider made itself present.
As soon as I had left I brushed my hair an gave it a quick dry while it took on its natural loose curls. It was supposed to be rather hot out today so I slipped on some black leggings and a simple black tank top. A small amount of make up surrounded my bright brown eyes. Once I was out of the bathroom, three of four siblings began determine who would get the right to go next.

With a gently sigh I made my way back to my room, where I slipped my bag over my shoulders and began trotting down the stairs, he was waiting for me. "Let's go." He said stiffly turning to go out the door. The rest of the sibling weren't going to school anymore. Well at least not highschool.

Issac walked me to school seeing as I didn't know where it was, I didn't think it was too far. The reason I didn't drive lil' lady.

Once in the school it was all quite runtime. Go to the office, get your schedule, go to class. Yet somehow I still didn't do well. It was actual torture, I had always been entirely awkward around 90 percent if people, this new town, and all the people in it didn't change that. I had made one friend, his name was Newton, or Newt as I've come to call him. I had most my classes with him. I also had one class with Issac. He seemed to glare at me as I sat with Newt. What was his problem? Jeez, Did Newt do something to him, no, that couldn't be possible Newt was quite a nice kid. He kept to himself a lot and I don't think he'd do anything to hurt anyone.

So that class, which happened to be social, I pretty much blanked out, my brows furrowed in confusion as Isaac glared at Newt, and Newt shrunk back, almost trying to hide. Wow, Isaac was being a ass! Maybe I'd poison his dinner tonight. this was last class so I probably could. The bell rang and I rushes to my locker to grab my back pack an go, I didn't want to wait for Isaac but I had already forgotten the way back, so I'd have to.

When he showed up I stared at him silently. "Who was that?" He spat.

I considered tackling him but ended up just growling out. "His name is Newt." My chocolate eyes rolled as Issac huffed and we walked home

Learning To Love The Game (A HomelessGoomba Fan fiction.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ