Cha's eyes are wide as though she was reliving something horrible.

A hand lands on my shoulder, forcing me to turn back to Rhett's worried face. "Katrina, you can't-" 

"You need to get out of here" I say before turning to Corey as well, "the both of you. There isn't a lot of time, and if you two get caught in here, the only person crazy enough to be able to get you both out will be doing a fucking victory dance. Go. Now" I hiss at the both of them. 

Corey needs no further instructions as he turns a continues down the steps, waiting at the hallway for Rhett.

Rhett keeps his hand on me, "seriously Katrina, this is dangerous" he hisses, like the very foundation of the ground shaking was clue enough, "come with me, you can't just wander around, its not safe" he pleaded. 

I know he was trying to be nice and caring. 

But who the fuck does he think I am? 

I'm the crazy bitch who ran someone over with a car and jumped before it went crashing over a cliff. 

I forced the 'my dick is bigger than yours' comment that was climbing up my throat, "Rhett" I growled, snatching my hand out of his, "I can handle myself, just get out of here" I soften my voice at the end, trying not show my anger at him. 

Something about the way he was trying to baby me. 

As if I couldn't handle myself. 

Which wasn't always true, but I could handle these types of situations. 

I'd been in them plenty enough times, to know just the amount of crazy needed to survive. 

I pressed my hand against his arm, "go. Now. I'll catch you outside" I smirk before turning back towards Cha and Ana. "You still have that garage opener?" I asked her. 

She nodded, color slowly inking back into her face, "two hallways down. We need to move, Kat" she muttered, trying to pull herself together. 

I nod, quickly following behind Cha without a look back at Rhett, Ana at my side as we rushed down the stairs before rushing down the hallway. 

Another large roar tore through the air. 

"Someone want to let me in on why it sounds like theres a fucking werewolf in the house?" I asked we all jogged down the long hallway. 

Ana shuddered, "they say Raymond is some kind of animal" she muttered, her eyes scanning in front of us, searching for danger. 

"Almost. More like a beast. The Beast" Cha quickly said as she rolled through these halls, her body seeming to know exactly where she was going, without hesitation. 


I feel so much better. 

"What kind of beast makes that sound?" I hiss out as my breath rips out my body. 

The second all this shit is over, I'm getting a gym membership. 

I'm so out of shape. 

"A hound" Ana sighs. 

I glare at the side of her face, "if you're going to give me strange ass answers, I'm going to need you to not speak" I roll my eyes at her. 

She gifts me with an annoyed look, "Raymond's can't leave these grounds. He can also make sure no one else leaves. He'll be able to transform himself into anything to make sure that happens" she finished. 

I blinked up at her as something like a rock seemed to get caught in my throat. 

"Like Diane?" I asked. 

Cha shook her head, a grave expression on her face, "much much worse" she added on. 

I barely had time to reply back when a figure came sprinting around the corner. 

Only, it wasn't just a figure. 

Not with those huge brown eyes, and that curly air.


It was me, who had just came flying from around the corner, hauling ass like never before. 

And if I know one thing, its that if you see Katrina Justice's lazy ass running that fast, you don't ask questions. 

You immediately start running too. 

The walls vibrated as something came rushing down the hallway behind Diane, forcing Cha, Ana,  and I to freeze. 

"Oh shit" I hiss just as Diane crashes into Ana, who quickly shoves all of us into a connecting room, slamming the door shut behind her. 

Diane is breathing hard, my hair stuck to her forehead as she leans over panting, sweat rolling off her body. 

"Fucking Blue Doom" she grunts as she sucks in air harshly. 

"This is what Blue asked you to do?" I asked her, eyes wide in shock. 

She glares at me as she struggles to stand up straight, "more like threatened" she hisses, gripping her side. 

"And Cha? Are you pretending to be her too?" I ask.

She shakes her head no, "he got the desperate one to play her" she sighs. 

I blink. 

Desperate ... "Lia?" I ask all our jaws dropping as we look to Diane.

She smirks, "where he got the wig, I'm not sure" she chuckles, but the fear is still clinging to her skin. 

Suddenly looking at her, something rushes through me. 

That same feeling of protection that rang through me all the way on that island, months ago. 


Here comes that Mother Mary complex. 

I grab Diane's arm, "run this hallway one more time, then meet us in the garage. I'll get you out of here". 

She blinks at me, before slowly shaking her head no, "Doom said-"

"Fuck what that electrical outlet said. I say. And I'm saying, make it to the garage. Fast" I say, looking her dead in the eye. 

She slowly nods. 

Then it happens. 

I can't even pay attention to her as something craws against my skin.

Its suddenly was too quiet.

Then the very nerve racking sound of large nails, clanking against the marble floors has all of us, freezing, holding our breath. 

Diane looks back at me, her eyes exactly the same as my own. 

Something seems to shake in her terrified expression. 

"I won't leave you" I whisper. 

Her back stiffens as she looks at me with some unreadable expression. 

Finally she nods, my curls bouncing on her head, before she turns around and rips the door open before taking off again at a dead sprint. 

Not even a second later, that heart stopping roar echos through our bones before the rough sound of ...paws slams against the floor. 

Ana is shoving Cha and I out the door, and we are all sprinting a second later. 

We round the next corner, where I make the horrible mistake of looking back for just a second. My eyes following the growls and the chase as it leads away from us. 

My whole body tenses as my eyes connect against the form, racing down the hallway, nearly breathing down the back of my body double. 

And only one thought echos through my mind as I watch that ... monster. 

We are all screwed. 

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