Dog Shit

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I love it when you set a challenge for the universe, and she beats the shit out of it. 

Like for example, I thought to myself as I tried desperately not to cry at my best friends baby shower, 'today cannot get any fucking worse'. 


Oh I was so wrong on so many levels that I'm astounded of the multitude of wrongness I accomplished. 

Lets break this shit down first. 

That woman, his mate, decided to stay for said baby shower and I couldn't help but glare with absolutely hatred as I watched them talk to one another quietly in the corner of the yard. 

They had separated themselves from everyone else, so it was like they were the only two people in the room as they huddled close, their eyes glued to one another as they whispered. 

I wanted to hose them, and watch them drown, so slowly. 

I shoved the large square cut slice of cake in my mouth, and inhaled. 

One things for sure, I'm going to most definitely eat these homicidal feelings away. 

Aria patted my thigh, pulling my attention back to her, "who is that?" she asked, her eyes following were I hoped God would send a blast of lightning and murder them both ... or at least her, and really injure Blue. 

I swallowed the cake loudly, school your face bitch, I can't have everyone know I lost him ... again. 

Almost makes me wish back to the days were my competition was only Ana. 

Depressing. I know. 

"Blake's new secretary" I answer quickly. I have already kind of ruined her day, this should be about her celebrating the new life she was about to bring into the world, not about how I was planning all the very intricate and small details to a double homicide. 

I just wanted to see them bleed. 

Just a lot of their blood, while I watched them die. 

I sniffed, trying to push the burning image of Blake laughing hard at something she had whispered up at him. 

Shit this hurts. Did he ever smile that hard with me? Did I make him laugh like that? Is that why he chose her? 

"Secretary? They're kind of close, I'm surprised you haven't tried to run them over yet" she chuckled as she sipped her lemonade, her hand perched on her small baby bump. 

Act cool, slowly slip it into the conversation.

"Why would I do that? He and I aren't together anymore, she's actually his mate, and about ten minuets ago he asked me to move out our home together. I think the party is going great, don't you?" I quickly spit it out. 

Nailed that. 

Her drink goes spraying into a woman who was sitting two seats over from me, her hair and clothes now completely covered in mouth-lemonade. 

Aria's eyes stay wide as she slowly turns her head to look at me, not even paying attention to the dumb struck woman she just spit on, "what?" she questioned lowly. 

Sasha easily slides into the seat next to Aria, her face slightly flushed as she downs something in a cup, "sorry, they started waking up again. Tried to run a break on me, but they're unconscious again, no worries!" she sighs, breathing kind of hard. 

Aria's head swivels between Sasha and I, trying to determine who to question first. 

The unconscious prisoners, or the dumped best friend. 

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