II. Anxiety.

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Is Yoongi his mate? His friend? His girlfriend? If that is so, why did he save me? Jeongguk massaged his temples, his head throbbing from all the possibilities.

“Oi, You’re doing it again,” Taehyung complained, munching on a bag of chips he stole from Jeongguk’s kitchen cabinet.

“Doing what?” Jeongguk blinked at him, puzzled.

“The ‘I’m-thinking-hard-don’t-mess-with-me’ thing,” Taehyung explained, a few bits of food flying out of his mouth. “I’ve been your best friend for fifteen years, and I’ve never seen you think this hard before, it’s worrisome,” Jeongguk threw a pillow at his face, making Taehyung chuckle.

“You’re an idiot, I don’t know why I’m friends with you,” Jeongguk mumbled, punctuating his sentence with a laugh of his own.

“We’re friends because you love me,” Taehyung said with a roll of his eyes, “and also because I’m so irresistibly charming, you don’t want me to be with anyone else,” he fluttered his eyelashes and placed his chin on his hands.

Jeongguk made gagging sounds, earning him a pout from Taehyung. “You’re extremely clingy, a crybaby, and a pain in the ass—“

“Well, I’m 7 inches long and that’s without my knot, so yes, I am indeed a pain in the—“ Jeongguk stuffed a handful of chips into Taehyung’s mouth, cracking up when the latter coughed around the excessive amount of food, but Taehyung swallowed almost everything nonetheless.

They chattered for a few hours until Taehyung received a call from his “friend” asking him for “a huge favor”.

Jeongguk knows it's bullshit, that Taehyung's probably just meeting Hoseok, his ex-boyfriend, for a quick fuck in some cheap dingy motel nearby. Normally, he would give Taehyung a 2-hour long lecture about how you're not supposed to fuck your ex just because he still makes your dick hard, but he's not in the mood for Taehyung’s sniffles and I still love hims today so he waved him off, playfully kicking him in the butt, saying he has other plans anyway, even though he knew very well that once Taehyung leaves, he’d be left alone with his thoughts again, thinking of a certain vampire who’s probably not thinking about him, but a man can dream, right?

[21 years ago]
The country hospital was, as Seokjin described it, mediocre and small unlike the large, extravagant hospitals of the city, but Jimin didn’t mind. He likes simplicity.

He likes the smell of antiseptic lingering in the hallways, the ridiculous amount of white in everything; the walls, the ceilings, the beds, the chairs. Somehow, it feels oddly comforting that he’s not the only one who lacks color and life.

After caking his entire body with enough make-up to cover an entire cheerleading squad, he finally has the skin tone that can pass for human complexion. He glanced at himself in the full-length mirror, satisfied with how his handiwork turned out. He almost looked human.


His ever-glowing amber eyes snapped him out of the illusion, reminding him that he will never be one no matter how much he tried.

He’s doomed to live forever on his own.

Seokjin’s order was loud and clear in his head: Get rid of Namjoon’s child as soon as it was born. He’ll be the threat to our kind according to the prophecy of the elders, and we can’t risk anything. I’ve sacrificed so much for this coven to lose it now.

Jimin knows that a part of Seokjin still loves Namjoon and she can’t bear the idea of him having a child with another woman, having seen her cry and lose herself in blood-infused liquor countless times since they broke up, but he didn’t say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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