Chapter 14: What A Day (english ^^")

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Author's Note: ingtry ko lang po gawing english tong chapter na to haha maikli naman eh kaya di naman masyadong dudugo yung utak nyo ^^"

Kyle and Bryle's Family own the cafe called Ho-Kago.

Revealing what happened on chapter 13  . . . with the part that they meet at the cafe.

After 5 minutes there's already alot of people inside > o < why ?? they're all shouting and yelling at the waitresses .. so mean ! >:/ why do they just go here instead other cafe's just because the owner's sons were here and they're nephew gosh ! - n - MY EARS !!!

Janna started to stand up on the table and shouted."SHUT UP!!!" finally = u = silence cool is our friend can be :D praise the SILENCER ! haha their faces just like they seen a ghost  O.O haha we just covered our ears when Janna shouted "SHUT UP!!!"  xD

Then she goes down the table .. (down she goes) with a happy look  ^ u ^ but truth is she's irritated on the inside  :) she keep smiling whenever what situation is ^^ that's why we love her haha. Then she whisper something to Jezz O.O and I saw him grinning - . - what would be the plan this time..

"so whats the plan?" Patty response.

then Janna just smile at me O.O whaa?

"don't you dare smile !" Janet ordered with an irritated look.

"alright ... alright .. geez" Janna replied.

"what is the plan?" Hahna asked.

She pulled us into a dressing room and she want us to wear the MAID DRESS O.O say whaat!? No way ! I'am not going to wear that dress We just gave Janna a are-you-kidding-me look but Hahna just wear it without hesistation -.- well we have no choice me and Janet just have to wear it tsk!

"Is it alright that we wear this?" Patty asked and started to blush.

"why do have to wear this kind of dress!" Janet said with an embarrassed look then she started to blush too. CUTE > u <

"Oh c'mon .. were just going to help serving the customers .. that's all" Janna said smiling. i hate that smiling face tsk! and so then we WORK WORK WORK until the time has come to close the cafe :D after 30 minutes of working at the Ho-Kago = . =


hahaha still the boys were also tired too so we just enjoy ourselves some parfaits ^ o ^ YUM !

"what a day .. "said Jezz.

"you can say that again" Kyle said with a smile :)

"WHAT A DAY!" we replied xD haha yup whaat a day = . = were just highschoolers that experience the tiredness of working = u = still we have a smile on our face because we just earned more money to buy some foods *o*

I'M HUNGRY !! - u - Then we headed to Jezz's family BEACH RESORT called "RELAX TO THE MAX"! haha what a great name for a beach resort  > u < i'm sooo happy haha

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