The Flames Of She Who Was Forgotten

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"Chise! Stay behind me!"

She could hear Elias shouting, screaming her name and begging her to not move, but she didn't listen. She was too captivated by what was in front of her eye.

The little girl. The girl from last night's dream. She was in front of her eyes, causing a blizzard that was making all the furniture inside the bakery upside down, throwing it around. Elias put his whole body in front of her, but she was peeking at the little girl from behind his shoulders, absolutely stunned by her expression.

Sorrow, pain, loneliness, despair...Rage. Her left eye was able to see the suffering being that was the cause of this blizzard, and she couldn't help but wonder why. Why would this girl be in such a miserable state? Her clothes full of ashes, her face twisted in pain and first and foremost...dead.

Because she wasn't stupid. If she was only able to see her by the Cartaphilus' eye, that girl was dead. Some sort of wandering spirit, still too attached to this world and too out of him. Too miserable to find the rest that she needed. How did this poor girl end up like this?

Chise stretched out her hand, just like in her dream, to touch her, to comfort her. And the little girl stopped. Why? No, it can't be. She stared at her, wondering. Maybe she did recognize her? She had Joseph's appearance after all, but maybe?

Elias grabbed her arm and made her stop dead on her tracks. She was approaching her without realizing. She clutched her fist and looked up to see Elias face. She couldn't decipher what he was thinking, but it was obvious he was worried. But it didn't matter, the little girl was more important now.

The girl gasped and said something. But Chise couldn't understand her. Everything she said sounded gibberish, even if in her dream she was able to understand her. What was she asking?

"I don't understand you! I am sorry!" Chise shouted. She just wanted to excuse herself for not being able to help. The little girl stopped talking...

Chise, don't move!

Suddenly, she heard Ruth barking, and could see him coming back from inside the bakery. Her loyal black dog opened his mouth, and flames came out of his throat. The little girl gasped at him, clutched her head and vanished in the air letting a scream that left her chilling.

Ruth came running to her.

"Are you alright, Chise?" he said, visibly shaking. The flames of his mouth were gone soon.

Chise didn't say anything. She was still in shock. What the hell happened? Why was the girl from her dream here? Why she wasn't able to understand her? Nothing made sense!

Suddenly, a woman came out from inside the bakery. She was visibly upset, and shaking, but tried her best to not let the visitors saw it.

"Oh my! I hope you two are alright..." she said, holding onto her cheeks, but immediately she noticed something, "Mr. Ainsworth! Oh, I am glad it's just you. I thought someone might be in danger..."

That statement surprised Chise. Did this woman know Elias? He was using his human glamour, so that might be possible.

"Excuse us for interrupting, Miss Belmont." he answered, as calmly as he could due the circumstances, "But my...apprentice wanted to see Ruth, since she came back from her trip, and check on him. I see that there are still some troubles..."

The woman assented, still shaking.

"Oh, I see." she said, "Well, today's incident is a proof, Mr. Ainsworth...But please! Come inside! We can discuss the situation with some tea!"

Elias looked to Chise, and Chise nodded approvingly. The woman was obviously trying to do her best in that situation, and Chise couldn't refuse it. That was the place where Ruth was all these days, and everything that had been happening was related. he only question now was how. Talking with this Miss Belmont was the best option.

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