Khaana pulled away from him and turned her head to look in his eyes. "I do not know - you're smaller than your father, Ubba and Guthrum, have less beard and have seen less war." She said.

Ragnarson scowled "Im not smaller, they're fat and Ubba is a giant. Im swifter...and I will see more war." He said. Khaana chuckled quietly "I need to check on my runt." She said shaking him free of her. "Dont I get my furs back?" Ragnarson called after her as she left "no I need them." She said.

On her return back to the mead hall Khaana walked in as a hound. Dragging with ger the fur cloak. She carefully avoided the boddies of dead prisoners that lay about and headed for the stairs to the loft. Ravn was below talking with Ragnar the elder.

"Youre back!" Uhtred gasped scuttling over to her. "I am indeed. See the old goat isn't so bad is he?" She said to him. Uhtred ahook his head. "He says im his prisoner and that he will let me live because because he needs to keep you from bitting at his ankles" Uhtred giggled.

Khaana gave a canine smirk "how true. But you are mine no matter what he says." She said. Uhtred tried to hide a yawn, he was the elderman on Northumbria now, he had to be tough infront of these Danes and that meant showing no weakness.

Khaana nudged the side of his head with her nose "hey thats cold!" Uhtred called. "Rest, there in that corner. Are some pillows and furs." She instructed. "I am fine" Uhtred protested. "you are exhuasted, and I wasn't asking runt." She said, after Uhtred refused to move Khana started to push him towards the small circular cluster of bedding with the flat top of her head.

"H-hey!" He called flopping down into the bedding. Khaana stood over him with a victorious glint in her eyes. "Thats a good runt" she said, she pulled the cloak over him. "Stay, I am going to check on some things" she said.

Her ears picked up on a soft grumble that came from Uhtred's belly. His ears turned pink with embarrassment and he hopped she did not hear. Khaana could see the boy was trying to be strong and avoided teasing him about it for now. She turned to leave "and gather some things." She sighed.

Uhtred watched her go, the bedding had a strange sent of fall leaves, burned fire wood and ash like Khaana's fur. The warmth and softness around him was quickly making his eyelids heavy. "Sleep" Khaana's voice echoed in his mind.

"Wwalking around as a godforsaken mut" Khaana muttered to herself as she padded through the Mead Hall. "At the very least it comes in handy for something." She sighed. Stopping before Guthrum she sat down and looked up at him. "What?" He asked her. Khaana's eye flickered to his plate of food, specificy the small leg of fowl.

"No." He said, Khaana tilted her head and perked up her ears. "I said no mut." He grumbled, she tilted her head the otherway "and throw him the confused puppy look." She thought to herself as she did it. Guthrum sighed and picked up the leg, Khaana wagged her tail and took it by the very tip of the bone and walked off.

Her eyes caught on a small little creature, covered in dirt and dust and dressed in rags. She was huddled alone in the corner. No older than 10 or 11 years old silently watching the celebrations calm down.

Setting it on a small cloth she managed to carry it there in and moved on to Storri, Ubba's sorcerer. He'd give her just about anything she wanted, believing she was the actual property and pet of the gods entrusted to them. "Hungry are you?" He asked her. Khaana wagged her tail. "Very well but shhh, dont tell Ubba." Storri said while dropping scraps of mutton and ham into her cloth carrier.

Khaana walked off pleased with herself. Ragnarson watched her from were he sat talking with a few other Danes. He laughed inwardly at her and shook his head, watching her head back up the steps.

Khanna dropped the cloth before were Uhtred slept and went to the railing of the loft, peeking through she spotted the girl. But she has since curleed into a ball and went to sleep. "Let her rest a moment" Khaana told herself. She lowered her body to the ground and laid there keeping an eye on the child below and ears on the child behind her.

Silence had fallen over the Hall, the fires faded out, the warriors passed out about the place. Khaana's ears perked as she got to her feet. Looking around carefully she took to her true form. Placing a handful of the food she had gathered on to a second cloth. Trying to stoop down so no one would see her.

"Bad idea old girl." She told herself reverting back to her hound form , cloth bag in tow as she padded down the steps.

The little girl was still in the corner, Khaana nudged her gently and she stirred.

The little girl gasped in fear and backed away from the large dog it easily made two of her. Khaana waged her tail slowly, it was always hard for humans to fear a swishing fluffy tail. Khaana dropped the cloth carrier revealing the food.

The little girl glanced at it and then back to Khaana. Little by little she inched closer. Once in reach she snatched up a few slices of ham and ate them hungrily. Khaana laid down on her side, her back to the child as she watch the rest of the room.

The little girl watched the large hound cautiously while she ate. Once the food was gone she inched her way back to Khaana and carefully patted the dogs head. "Good girl" Khaana thought but she did not speak to the girl, she was far to skittish and she didn't want to scare her more than she already was.

Uhtred stirred awake, his eyes landing unfocused on the food left on a piece of cloth, sitting up slowly he gathered it up in his hands and looked around. Seemed as though everyone had passed out in place, where was Khaana?

Uhtred made for the steps as quietly as he could. Spotting Khaana sitting with a little girl in the corner. "Over hear" Khaana spoke to him, without a word Uhtred went to them. The little girl was now huddled into Khaana's fur, Uhtred at at the girls side. As if by instinct the girl took his hand, Uhtred didn't mind, it was nice knowing he wasn't the only one caught up with these strange danes.

Uhtred ate with his free hand while he and the girl gazed out over the sea of Danes. "Her name is Brida. She - doesnt talk much, yet." Khaana spoke to Uhtred. Uhtred look over to Brida "my names Uhtred, Brida." He said, Brida turned to look at him confused. "How did you...know my name?" She whispered. Khaana chuckled inwardly. "Khaana told me." Said Uhtred.

Brida blinked a few times "Khaana?" She asked. Uhtred nodded towards the great hound. "She's magic - and will keep us safe." He said. Brida gave him a strange look, "maybe he got knocked on the head." She though to herself, either way being with Uhtred as better than being alone.

The Black Dane : The Fools WarWhere stories live. Discover now