Chapter 10: Bludvist

Start from the beginning

"You guys need to quit it," Tuffnut grumbles.

"What if Drago shot them down? What if they need our help?" I ask. "Let's go look for them."

"What? But Stoick said..." Fishlegs starts nervously.

"It doesn't matter what he said if they've all been captured," Astrid defends me. "Thora is right."

"We'll be there to help him confront Drago," I add.

"Are you insane?" Fishlegs asks.

"No. I'm a Viking." I flash a smile, not showing any teeth. "Come on, you wimps."

"Hey! No one calls me a wimp!" Snotlout says, punching my arm.

"If it means I get to see Eret again, I'm in," Ruffnut says, grinning slyly.

We hop on our dragons and take off. I scan the landscape as we fly, seeing nothing but clouds and churning waters. We move fast, gaining ground with the efficiency needed.

Eret's boat waits in almost the same spot as before, thankfully. I can hear him grumbling and yelling as we get closer. He walks around the deck, swinging his muscular arms with rage.

Quick as a wink, Nightstar swoops down and grabs him before spiralling back into the sky. Eret screams and clings to her paws. Nets whiz past us as we rocket out of range.

"What is this?!" Eret demands.

"A kidnapping," I answer.

Ruffnut grabs his leg, clutching him possessively as Barf and Belch sweep closer to us.

"Yay! Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" she pleads.

Both Eret and Tuffnut groan in protest.

"You're gonna show us the way to Drago," Astrid says as she pulls up alongside him.

"And help dragon riders sneak into Drago's camp? Just kill me now," he snaps.

"That can be arranged," I say, smirking. "Nightstar, drop it."

Nightstar grins, pops open her claws, and sends Eret plummeting. He wails and flails as he hurtles towards the ice far below.

"Good girl!" I praise. "Nightstar, fetch."

She dives after him, just as enthusiastically as before.


Nightstar snatches him out of his free-fall just before hitting the ice. I giggle and crack my knuckles, wiggling my fingers as I take a deep breath.

"Hey Astrid! It does work every time!" I holler to her.

Astrid grins. "Told you!"

We keep flying. Nightstar passes Eret to Stormfly, despite the trapper's protests. Astrid takes the lead, following Eret's directions. We approach a cluster of tabular icebergs, collapsed against each other at the mouth of a maze. Stormfly drops Eret to the snow. Before he can flee, she lands on top of him and nests like a hen with her egg.

"Agh! Okay! I got you here, now get this thing off me!" he demands.

"Never take a toy from a dragon," Astrid says.

"Don't you know anything?" I add, clicking my tongue as I rest a hand on my waist.

Stormfly crushes him in place under her weight.

"Gah! Why does this keep happening to me?" he cries out, strained.

Astrid and I climb up to the ledge with the others trailing behind us. Once we reach the top, we see a massive fleet of ships moored together like a floating camp in the deep water between the collided icebergs. Thick chains run deep into the water, where great blasts of bubbles erupt on the surface. The unseen creature rocks the ships, and I swallow nervously. Whatever creature is making those bubbles must be gargantuan.

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