Chapter Twenty-Five

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"M," Doctor Kich called his nurse. "Like I said, there is someone coming in and it is not some someone. It is my daughter and some daughter she is. We are on our way," he said before adding, "and yes. My hunch wasn't a false alarm after all. Please have an ice pack and some painkillers handy." He then hung up.

"You have hunches too?" A pleasantly surprised Burphy asked Doctor Kich once he was done with the call.

"Yes, sir. I do."

"And what do you call them?"

"I call them Kich-hunch. Rhymes with Kitchens you see," Doctor Kich bared his teeth and Pramila faked a chuckle.

"See, Kiran," Burphy gave Kiran the much-accomplished-uncle look. "Hunches need to have names that rhyme with something. That's why mine is Hurphy's Hunch."

Kiran shook his head vigorously. "Yes sir, I get it now."

"This boy is smart and will go places. If not for his help, I wouldn't have been able to solve the case so easily," Burphy said to Pramila.

"I know," Pramila said, "I was only worried that he would wean my daughter away from us. But I am no longer worried. She didn't object to my calling her Saraswati and didn't insist that I call her Sara. Also, he called her Saraswati more than once. There is no more bad blood between us." Pramila stroked Kiran's hair and Kiran wasted no time in prostrating at her feet to seek her blessings.

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