Chapter 28: The Day After

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The steam and slight smoke from the pancakes I'm cooking up for Dean and I rises and hits my face a bit, my mind a bit distracted as I concentrate on the food. Moments later, I feel a pair of hands place themselves on my lower waist, and a rock-hard body presses up against the back of mine. I smile, feeling Dean's presence immediately as he rests his head on my left shoulder—his heavy breathing brushing up against my ear.

"Goodmorning, beautiful." He whispers quietly, planting a small kiss on the lobe of my ear. My smile widens and I turn my head to face his a bit more. I push out my lips, inviting him to kiss them. He presses his soft lips against mine and squeezes me a bit tighter before pulling away, making his way over to the coffee maker. He starts it up just as I finish up the pancakes, placing them onto separate plates for each of us. "You sleep okay?" He asks, looking over at me with his sparkling green eyes. He gives me a warm smile, and I can see happiness spread over his face—I haven't seen him this smiley in a while.

 He gives me a warm smile, and I can see happiness spread over his face—I haven't seen him this smiley in a while

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I nod, biting my lip as I grab our plates and place them on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Sleeping next to you feels so much better than sleeping alone." I admit, giving him a bit of a shy smile as I walk over to him.


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"God. Everything about you is's so..." He starts, his hand finding its way to my face again as he trails off—moving in to kiss me again.

A few gasps are heard from across the room as two people walk in, just as Dean's lips press up against mine. The both of us pull away quickly, looking toward the doorway to see a very shocked Sam and the angel Castiel. We gasp guiltily as we realize they've just walked in on us kissing.

"Took you both long enough." Sam first response is, his shocked expression fading and turning into a pleased one as he crosses his arms. "It was inevitable." Castiel says as he chuckles to himself, making his way further into the kitchen. Dean and I both look at each other awkwardly, giggling a bit to ourselves as we realize the cats out of the bag without us even having any explaining to do. Sam and Cas expected this?

That's funny.

"Damn, it smells so good in here." Sam says as he walks over toward the island, eyeing the pancakes. "Speaking of pancakes, we've found a new case for all of us." Cas says, looking around the room proudly as he sits on a barstool. Sam, Dean, and I all exchange very confusing looks as we think about what Cas just said. "How does finding a new case have anything to do with pancakes?" Dean asks. Castiel's expression becomes just as confused, as he doesn't understand how to use that reference. He tries to make up some kind of explanation only to dig himself into a deep hole. I laugh, shaking my head as the coffee maker dings, letting us know that the coffee is ready to be poured.

Sam laughs at Dean and Castiel's exchange before walking over to the fridge. He grabs himself a beer, and places a few newspapers into the countertop.

A beer? At 10:30 in the morning? Interesting.

I walk over and grab ahold of the newspapers, checking out the cover story. "What's this?" I ask, briefly skimming through the cover page's news story. There were three bodies found in a park in Delaware with their throats ripped open and drained of blood. The photo of the found bodies covered with white clothes gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. "Vampires, I'm thinking. This should be an easy one." Sam says, taking a sip of his beer. Dean pours two glasses of coffee, placing mine next to me as he grabs his plate of pancakes.

"Where at?" He questions, taking a big bite of one of his pancakes. "Delaware. It's just a few hours from here." Sam explains, sitting his beer on the counter. Castiel looks over at Sam's beer, and tilts his head to the side—clearly judging Sam a bit. "Why so early?" He asks. Sam shrugs, "Why not? It's five o'clock somewhere, right?" He asks. I giggle again, handing the newspaper over to Dean so that he can also take a look.

"We could leave as soon as you guys finish eating. What do you say?" Sam asks. "We've kicked many vampire asses. I say let's go as soon as possible." Dean says, placing the newspaper down onto the kitchen counter. I nod in agreement, looking around at everyone as I take a quick sip of my coffee.

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