Chapter 13: Plan B

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Castiel let's out a deep sigh as he stands next to the large table where everyone is sitting. Sam sits on his laptop, a number of books opened and spread out all over the table. I sit at the head of it, looking over at Dean's worried face as he just stares at his hands.

He thinks he's doomed.

"Okay well we still aren't even one hundred percent sure." Sam says. "There's a few things we need to do in order to prove it." He continues.

Castiel shakes his head, "I believe Dean is in transition Sam. He wont be able to transform or do any kind of shifting until after his first full moon. He's been having all of the symptoms."

I lick my lips, looking over at Castiel and Sam with just as much concern as everyone else. Maybe even more. I care about him, especially lately. My feelings have grown. "When is the next full moon?" I ask.

Sam takes a deep, nervous breath. "Lets see..." He says as he searches it up on the web, his fingers tapping away on the keyboard.

"It' three days." His voice says quietly. My heart sinks into my stomach. Great. Fantastic.

"There has to be a cure. I'm not killing you, Dean." Sam says sternly. "Looks like I'm going to have to kill myself then, Sam." Dean says, finally speaking up for the first time in minutes.

The room grows silent. And I know we're all thinking the same exact thing.

There is no fucking way we're letting Dean die. No fucking way. I decide to argue with him on that comment.

"No. Not an option. Period." I say seriously as I look over at him. Dean looks over at me and it's like he snaps.

"You all are playing a dangerous game if you think we're all just going to accept the fact that I'm a monster and that I won't hurt anyone. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Period. We kill werewolves for a reason." He raises his voice slightly, I can literally see the anger beginning to rise in him as he clenches his fists on the table tightly.

His anger was never this bad before. Or maybe he just didn't act that way in front of me? I don't know what's him talking and what's the werewolf part of him talking. If he even is actually becoming a werewolf.

"We'll find a cure. You'll learn how to control it until we figure something out. If anyone is being stupid right now it's you." I argue across the table.

He swallows thickly as he continues, "You may be used to accepting the fact that the people around you are monsters Elena, considering you've slept with them. But I will not be one of those people. And I sure as hell will not allow you to convince me to be. I won't let things like this slide, causing people to get hurt around me unlike you have. " He spits, yelling as pure hatred and anger spews from his mouth and I'm shocked at what he just fought me with. Clearly he doesn't agree with the way I've handled things in the past as he found out about earlier.
Part of me knows he's just scared and angry and screwed but that doesn't mean he's allowed to talk to me like that. And it definitely doesn't mean that didn't just hurt my feelings.

Earlier he said it wasn't my fault. But now, all of a sudden it is. He knows how I feel about all that. He knows how much guilt I've felt. And he just used my vulnerability against me.

It feels like someone literally took a knife and stabbed me right in the back. He used something so freaking personal that I decided to allow him to know about earlier and pit it against me in the nastiest way possible. My heart hurts after he says this, and my jaw drops in shock.

I swallow thickly, leaning back in my chair as the room gets dead silent. I clench my jaw slightly, my eyes beginning to fill with tears as all the guilt comes flooding back into me like a tsunami that I can't stop. He's so angry that he doesn't even realize what he's just said.

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