Chapter 8: The Alleyway

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[[the photo above does not belong to me, nor do I take any credit for it at all]]

I wake up to my phone buzzing beside me on the mattress, expecting it to be almost daylight. Whenever I look at the screen, I see I've only been asleep for about half an hour. I groan quietly to myself as I unlock my screen, seeing two text messages from Sam:

"Hey, I'm still here doing research. I've found some thing that I think you'd be really interested in. I know you've been wanting to do more and Dean keeps stopping you. Hopefully he's asleep and you can slip out, if not, say I ordered you here. Lol."

"But seriously, I'll send you the location and you can come help me figure this out. It's walking distance. -Sam"

It's almost as if Sam read my mind before I fell asleep. I look over at a quietly snoring Dean who is definitely in a deep sleep already. And then I look back down at the time on my phone.

4:45 AM.

It's still in the middle of the night, but Sam is right. He knows I've been wanting to do more. This is the perfect opportunity.

I quietly slip the covers off of me and slide out of my bed, tip-toeing over to my suitcase. I quickly slip on my dark jeans, a black tank and my jacket along with my shoes. As quietly as I can I make my way to the door and open it. It makes a slight creaking sound, and I squint my eyes in aggravation as I quickly check to see if I woke Dean.

Fortunately, he's out of it. No noise is waking him up right now. I squeeze through the door and shut it quietly. The cold wind blows on me as soon as I get all the way outside, and I shiver slightly.

I get back on my phone, clicking on the location Sam sent me, and I check the directions--figuring out where I need to walk. Hopefully this isn't too far because it's freezing outside.

My phone loads up, informing me my "destination" is only a 3-minute walk. Thank God. I click on it and start following the path.

A few minutes later I walk up the steps to the library, this place is pretty small. There's a sign just outside the door letting people know it's open 24 hours, which I think is pretty cool and convenient. I open the door and make my way inside, the warmth hits me and it feels so good. I look across the room and see Sam sitting at a table behind a few shelves. I quickly walk over, but quietly. The librarian at the counter is leaning back in her chair--she appears to be taking a short nap. I laugh slightly, shaking my head to myself as I get to Sam. He smiles warmly, greeting me. "Hey! I'm so glad you came!" He whispers excitedly, pulling out the chair beside him for me to sit. I pull off my jacket and hang it on the back of the chair, sitting down next to him. I give him an excited smile, looking down at all the books he has sprawled out on the table. "Me too! I was so happy when you texted me. I couldn't sleep anyways. What have you got?" I ask.

Sam smiles again, nodding as he starts handing me things. "Okay so, I found a few things actually. See this?" He says as he points to the two pages that are opened. "It's showing the census of this town. It goes all the way back to 1864. I researched Ethan's family, looks like a few of them have disappeared along the years but during short periods. Their names would be listed one year, and then the next, they're gone." He explains. I grab the book and pull it across the table so that I can get a better look. "But what really got me is the old newspapers I found." Sam says as he reaches for them across the table. I look up from the book and watch him as he starts flipping through the pages. "Look at this, look how many disappearances this town has had. There are 5-7 in a year. That's a lot for this tiny little town, right?" He says. My eyes widen slightly in surprise, realizing if these people are disappearing and dying, that's a lot of people in one year. This town only has so many people. Something is definitely up for sure. I just can't exactly explain it yet.

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