Chapter Nineteen

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Louis POV


As soon as the interview was over, my phone blew up with tweets.

'MY BABYS HAVING A BABY!' Is the kinda tweets I got. No, I'm not your baby.

'Ew, hope the baby doesn't look like Robin.'

I followed and retweeted the people that said congratulations. At least these are the people that are nice. I got a phone call from my mum.


"Mum; it was an accident. But it is true, yeah." I rubbed my face with one hand.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She boomed.

"I haven't got round to it." I answered. Maybe I forgot..

"Mr Tomlinson..." Mum said. "I can't be angry! She's beautiful! I need to meet her. Eleanor was a bitch anyway." She said. "Oh! I'll pop round tomorrow at midday yeah?" She chattered.

"Yeah mum." I answered, "I gotta go."

"Love you."

"And you." I hung up.

We drove home and I walked in to see Perrie gone home leaving a little note and Robin snuggled on the couch. I smiled, walking over to her and scooping her into my arms. I can't be asked to wait until next week, so were going to go on a date tonight. Well if she wants.

I took her upstairs and laid her on my bed, putting the blanket on her.

"Lou." She mumbled, grabbing my hand as I was about to walk away.

"Yeah, baby?" I whispered, kneeling down next to her.

"Can I have some pickles?" She asked. "Oh! And chips!"

"Sure baby girl. One second." I pecked her on the lips.

"Oh and some advil." She added on.

"Why? Is your belly hurting again?" I asked her.

She nodded, "It happens in all pregnancy, but mine seems far worse.. Because apparently I'm 'too weak'." She rolled her eyes. "Guess it's true though." She patted her tummy. I smiled at her, walking downstairs to get her what she needed.

"You like her, don't you?" Harry asked, as I walked into the kitchen. No one was in there apart from Harry, as if he was waiting for me.

"Yes, I've already said." I chuckled, grabbing the pickles that we got but never eat after we realised how disgusting they were. I then put some chips in the fryer, and some advil out the cupboard.

Me and Harry talked for a bit about his date last night, and how about she only wanted him for sex. He said he didn't care because she was ugly anyway. I laughed.

I brought Robins late lunch upstairs to my bedroom and walked in. She grinned at me and shuffled up a bit more.

"If I saw you had pickles in your fridge, they would have gone by now." She laughed. I laughed along. She bit into a pickle and put her thumbs up, then quickly took her advil and gulped down some water.

"Oh by the way, my mums coming tomorrow." I said, "She wants to meet you."

"Okay," Robin smiled softly. After she finished her pickles and chips, we snuggled into the bed and talked about random things until we fell asleep.

"I love you Robin."

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now