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She kissed me. She kissed me, professed her love for me, and then she left. As if this whole thing with Maya wasn't complicated already. "Oh god Maya!" I said in realization. She seemed so happy but when she saw Madison... "Why was Maya here anyway?" I asked myself. Then the door was thrown open by the only person I wanted to talk to right now. "Farkley." I called to him as I ran into his embrace. There was one thing that I knew right then and there. I needed Farkle. "Oh my God. Thank goodness you're here, I am beyond confused and there is only one person right now who can help me figure this out, and that person is you! "I sighed in relief. "Riley, I will always be here for you if you need me just tell me and I'll be here. So did Maya come here and talk to you?" He asked. "She came and then Maddie was here and she left." I thought aloud. "Oh boy. Maya left because of Maddie! But I don't love her. I love Maya!" I finally realized. "I need to talk to her right now! Bye Farkle. Thanks for your help." I shouted as I ran out the door.

Letters To You - RilayaWhere stories live. Discover now