Chapter 3

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The sound of rain cascading from the roof in the Sawada, the small brunette sat on a chair watching the rain from outside with a gentle smile plastered upon his face, letting out a gratified sigh he opened the window of his room welcoming the fresh smell of the wind during rainy seasons.

Humming a little song inside of his head he didn't noticed the silhouette figure leaning on his bedroom door, a solicitous smile plastered on his handsome face. Just staring at his little brother brought an unknown bulwark and joy to him.

His eyes darkens from a mere thought of someone stealing his precious brother away from his nest he unconsciously let out a low feral growl from his throat when he reckoned the way Takeshi held his brother.

He forced a smile when he saw his younger brother looked at his direction seeing his brother smile were only meant to him only sent him to cloud nine. Approaching him slowly as if he's afraid that he'll scare his fragile brother he sat next to him joining him as he watched the rains from falling.

"Shi-nii, why is the sky crying? " his younger brother ask.

He only let out a soft chuckle at how cute his little brother could be and answered back

" I don't know doll. Why did you ask?" He stare at his brother and saw plenty of emotions swirling inside of Tsuna's eyes but one stood out the most. Sadness and Loneliness .

" Mr. Rain please don't be sad! Tsu-kun will make you happy, I promise! " he was a bit startled when his younger brother began shouting while staring at the sky .

" Don't worry Tsuna! Mr. Rain won't be sad anymore! "

Kyoshiro's eyes narrowed and stared at the person who yelled back .

Yamamoto Takeshi

The name were like poison on Kyoshiro' s mouth.

The ravenette only smile when he saw his lover smiling back at him, " is that true Take-nii ? " the brunette asked from the window only to be answered with a nod from Takeshi as he smiled at how cute his Tsuna is.

His smile faltered a bit when he felt a little bit of KI from the person beside of Tsuna.

He subtly glance at the silhouette and saw the sour look plastered upon Kyoshiro's face.

He wave one last time at Tsuna and silently sent a calculating look on Kyoshiro's direction before heading home.

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