Chapter 9 : Tantalising Attraction

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Roseline Angelina Black

Midnight blue, the colour of the sky when the night reaches it's peak.

How we all think nights are dark, how we succumb into the darkness of our souls thinking it's the darkness that surrounds us.

I've seen people trying to fight off their inner demons, struggling to find good in life and blaming to not be cared enough when they surrender to their demons, letting them devour the good that's left and freeing them to reign free in the world already surrounded by dark auras.

I've learnt a few things in my life, one of them as I would like to share is; love and care can not be bought, they're unconditional. And niether can they be completely faded. Yes, they blur away with time but they never fade.

Then most of us complain, nobody cares for them. But they don't remember those small questions like "Look out for yourself" or "Take care" or "have you reached home safely?" Thrown at them by their closed ones. They just have to look a bit closely , and they'll find what they're looking for.

There is always someone in the world who cares for us, uncontrollably and unconditionally. Someone who without realising it , makes our life a little bit brighter with their soft smiles and genuine actions.

For me , it's my mother , my father , my best friend Maggie , Mrs Spencer; my dance teacher since middle school , Scarlet; the amazing woman that is my husband's girlfriend, Doctor Franklin; my sweet psychiatrist. And so many more that I don't even know about.

Darling there is always someone who's there for you, no matter what, no matter how hideous you think your flaws are, no matter how deep you think you're scarred. There's always someone who loves you, for everything that makes you, you. So why not make yourself one of them? Why not care for yourself like you want others to? Why not be the most beautifully imperfected soul out there? Love yourself. You're worth it.

Blankness surround my being, caressing me and lifting me into a dark void. I can't feel anything , my body numb. I try to open my eyes as I hear voices around me. One of them far too familiar than the other ones.

"... Roseline, open your eyes." A deep baritone coos , compiling me to flutter my eyelids open as water droplets hit my face.

His eyes are scared, worry reflecting in those blue grey orbs as they look into mine. "Shit! You scared me." I find myself perched on his lap on the bed of the cabin. A white shirt covering my nakedness, that is no doubt his based on the scent that surrounds me.

"What happened,  Roseline?" He whispers , studying my face with his now-calm grey eyes. I touch my head , blinking to clear the blur that creeps into my vision again.

I think I fainted because I hadn't eaten anything the day before or had breakfast this morning. I don't know how but I was so keen on surviving my day alone with Adonis that eating just slipped to the back of my mind.

"We'll have a doctor check you up once we land. " Adonis mutters once he understand I'm not going to reply to his question.

"No , I'm fine. I think it's because I haven't eaten anything since yesterday." I manage to whisper before digging my face In his neck, his heat strangely comforting.

I feel so weak , my limbs feel like jelly and there's a low pounding in my head , almost like someone is drilling at a distance.

"Roseline,  how can you be so careless." Adonis hisses, his arms tightening around my waist. "You fucking scared me. Marie! " He calls for our air hostess and it seems like she was just outside the door since she knocks within the next two seconds.

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