~ Chapter 16 ~

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~ Alex's POV - Smackdown ~

Seth was currently in a match against Daniel Bryan. Dean and Roman were late, which was part of their segment. I was backstage by the curtain wait for the right opportunity to go out there. Seth was about to hit his finisher but Bryan quickly rolled out of the way from a curb stomp. I walked away from the curtain and went to the stairwell that the Shield used to go down and watched from there. Did I mention I told Seth about what was going to happen? No? Oops. He knew what I was planning on doing, J and J however didn't have a clue. I slowly appeared from behind the railing of the stairs and made my way down them. Once the crowd realized I was almost to the ring they started cheering loud.

Seth looked around until he saw me and ordered Jamie and Joey over to the barricade and stop me from interfering with the match. Seth was so caught up yelling at J and J that he didn't see Daniel get to his feet, and before he knew it he was pinned and Daniel's music hit. I smirked and starting to climb over the barricade. Right J and J were there. "Touch me and you won't walk out here the same way you walked in." I warned. They looked at each other and stepped aside. "Thank you" I smirked and walked up the steps and stepped through the ropes. Seth called for two mics and handed me on. I nodded and watched as J and J entered the ring.

This was all going according to plan, until I took a step forward and Jamie put his hands in front on me, slightly pushing me back. I didn't hesitate to grab is arm, twist it and throw us both onto the mat and lock in an arm bar. He tapped instantly, but I didn't let go, until he started to thrash around. I pulled harder then got up, not releasing his arm and threw him out of the ring. I straightened myself out and turned to Seth, who had a disapproving look, I smiled and shrugged.

"I warned you." I said leaning over the rope then looked back to Seth. "Now that that's taken care of-" I quickly dropped the mic and kicked Seth in his midsection, he doubled over and I got under him, lifted him up on my shoulders and hit him with my new finisher that I call 'Down Fall'. It's a mix of the attitude adjustment and the F5. "Holy shit!" chants started from the crowd I smirked licking my lips as I turned to Joey. He backed away slowly until he was against the turnbuckle. I chuckled to myself and stood up, Joey held his hands out in front of himself. Once again I grabbed an arm, locked in an arm bar, waited for the tap and held pressure until I threw him out of the ring.

I went back over to Seth and lifted his head up by his chin. I opened my mouth to say something when...

'Behold The King, The King Of Kings.'

Triple H along with Randy and Kane appeared on stage. Hunter said something to Randy and Kane who nodded and made a b-line towards the ring. I wasn't going to back down, not now, not when I had just taken out Seth and the two trolls. My adrenaline was pumping and I wasn't going to do the smart thing and leave the ring. "Hold it, hold it boys." I said holding my hand up. Kane and Randy looked at each other, shrugged and entered the ring. "Ok, I see your both too stubborn to listen to wh-" The mic was snatched from my hand by Randy, who had a smirk on his lips. "Alex, Alex, Alex. We don't have to listen to a word that comes out of that pretty little mouth of yours." He took a step closer. I swallowed, no I gulped, still being my dumb ass self and stayed put. "What's the matter Lex? Where's your body guards, Reigns and Ambrose?" I went to answer but Kane cut me off.

"Their not here, their not here because we beat them down. Your hounds are not coming to your rescue Alex. Not this time, not ever." Kane placed a hand on Randy's shoulder. "They're in the hospital right now, and probably won't get out anytime soon. So you should just give in and join the authority Alex. There's nothing and no one stopping you." He said handing me the mic back. "That's where you're wrong, Corporate. There is someone stopping me from joining the corrupt, and that person is ME. I'd rather be taken from this ring a tortured, than join you." I spat. "Alright." Kane smirked and gave Randy a look. The next thing I knew I was laying on the mat. I could feel myself being lifted and then carried. I was being taken out of the ring and carried up the ramp. Randy had RKO'ed me and now I was over his shoulder. Well shit, this wasn't supposed to happen.

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