~ Chapter 5 ~

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~ Alex's POV (At The Hotel) ~

We were staying at the same hotel as last night, which meant I was on the couch. Sound asleep I started tossing and turning, yep another nightmare. Though this time it was about my ex, it was about my family. I hadn't spoken to them in three to four years, they didn't approve of my choice in career and basically wanted nothing to do with me. For a while my dad would even treat me like I was a dog, he'd beat me from time to time. One day I finally had enough and snapped. Which of course my dream was going to make me relive that damn day.

~ Dream ~

"You're so damn stupid! Can't you for once listen to what I say!?" My father spat standing over me, I just looked up at him with tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. I went to answer but got a hard slap across the face before any words could escape my mouth. I laid there on the hardwood floor holding my cheek and part of my mouth, I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. "Oh now you're gonna cry!?" He shouted unbuckling his belt, "You will never make it as a fucking wrestler Alex! You're to damn weak!" He shouted louder before whipping his belt down onto my back. I winced in pain trying not to scream, he struck me again and again, until blood from the lashes started to seep through my shirt.

He sighed, "Get your ass up and go change. I don't want to see you're pathetic ass for the rest of the night." He said looping hit belt back through his pants. I nodded and tried to quickly get up and run up the stairs. This is how most nights went when my mom and brother weren't home, my dad threatened me if I spoke a single word about what he did to me or show them in anyway he'd kill me.

A few hours later I heard mom's car pull up and the doors shut. I was happy they were finally home, but upset that I couldn't go see them with my dad downstairs. I thought about going down to grab a small bite to eat then quickly run back up here to my room, and decided to do so. I quietly opened the door and snuck down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I peeked around the corner to see if anyone was in there and luckily for me they weren't, so I walked into the kitchen and quietly opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water then shut it again. When I shut the door I about had a heart attack from seeing my older brother standing there, I almost screamed but remembered dad was probably still awake. "What the hell Nate?!" I whisper yelled causing him to chuckle softly. "Sorry.." He whispered back, soon after a confused look grew on his face and he opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off explaining that dad got mad at me and didn't want to see me the rest of the night, he closed his eyes and nodded, then grabbed the car keys and walked out the door.

After I made a peanut butter sandwich I grabbed a small bag of chips, making sure not to make a sound I quickly went back up the stairs and got back into my bedroom. I shut the door and turned around to see my dad standing by my nightstand, that had my signed poster of Rowdy Piper. I gulped, know I had fucked up big time, he didn't say one word, he walked up to me calmly but then slapped the plate out of my hands and grabbed my hair, leading me to my bed. "I told you I didn't want to see you the rest of the night." He spat throwing my on my bed. "I - I-" I tried to explain what I did but got cut off by a viscous slap across my face, this time he had hit me so hard my bottom lip started to bleed. I wiped my tongue across the small cut on my lip whilst looking up at my dad. Who had my poster in his hands, he waited for me to get a good look before ripping it in half. "NO!" I screamed getting up off the bed launching myself at my dad, which was a bad move because he stepped out of the way, grabbed onto my arm spun me around and flung me hard against the wall.

"What's going on in here?!" I heard my mom shout as she opened the door to see me crying on the floor holding my now bloody back, the lashes from earlier had broke open when I slammed into the wall. "What the hell happened?!" She asked rushing over to me, but my dad stuck his arm out so she could get closer to me. "Mark-" She was cut off with a slap. That's when I snapped. "You bastard!" I shouted as I stumbled to my feet and launched myself at him, this time connecting with hard punches and kicks until he was no longer conscious.

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