~ Chapter 10 ~

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~ Alex's POV ~

We were all in the trainer's room, Roman to my right, Seth and Dean to my left. Let me just say Alexa knows how to use a kendo stick. The welts on my back had welts on top of them, I'm just glad it wasn't a chair. The guys had bruises forming already on there backs and mid-sections from the assault by the Wyatt's. I was currently getting my ribs bandaged up, and the guys were getting ready to leave, "Wait for-" I paused wincing "Me" I groaned as the Medic tightened the bandages. Seth was the only one who waited for me. I slid off of the table and walked out with Seth. "You guys took a hell of a beating" I looked at Seth's back. "Ya think?" He chuckled. "Well I'm guessing the chairs didn't feel like sunshine and rainbows" I pressed my lips into a line trying not to laugh. "No they didn't. But that kendo stick probably didn't feel too good either" He countered with a smirk.

We made it back to the locker room, Dean and Roman had already changed out of their attire. Seth went ahead and started to change as well, I wasn't in the mood to deal with Dean so I just slipped off my Shield vest and the undershirt before grabbing my t-shirt and jeans. I slid my t-shirt on carefully, I didn't want to do it to quickly and cause myself more pain from my ribs. Next came my cargo pants, I stepped out of those and slipped on my jeans. The guys just stared at me like I was an alien or something. "What?" I asked looking at all of them, Roman got ready to speak but before he could I realize why they were looking at me that way. "The bathroom's 'out of order' remember" I motioned to it giving Dean a slight glare. Roman chuckled a little and continued to do his thing.

~ Hotel - In Alex's Hometown (Cleveland Ohio) ~

I wasn't sure how I felt about being in my hometown again, I hadn't been here since I tried talking to my dad after the night I knocked him out. I had just changed out of my clothes and into a sports bra and sleep shorts, I was about to grab a bite to eat when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and it was an unknown number "Hello?" I answered "Alex? is this really you?" A make voice asked. "Yeah? Who is this?" I frowned "I-it's me, Nathan." My eyes widened "I haven't talked or seen you in such a long time, how are-" I was cut off "Alex I need to tell you something about mom and dad." I frowned "Which is?" I frowned. I heard him sigh "They were in a car accident, Alex... mom wanted to see you and make things right, so she had dad drive her to your hotel.." My eyes grew wide with tears threatening to fall. My parents got in a car crash on their way to see me... "What hospital are they at?" I asked quietly. "Ale-" "What. Hospital. Are. They. At. Nathan?" I demanded this time. He sighed and gave in. "I'll be there in less than a half hour." I said and hung up.

I pulled my dark navy blue sweatshirt over my head, grabbed my phone and headed out the door. My eyes darted to the numbers on above the doors looking for Seth's room. I finally found his room and knocked on the door with shaky hands. The door opened to a groggy Seth, he looked at me trying to get his eyes to adjust to the light. "Sorry to wake you up but I need a big favor." I said quickly then looked him in the eyes. "Which is?" He asked rubbing his eyes and blinking fast for a second. "I need a ride to the hospital" Seth frowned "I don't have time to stand here and answer questions, just please give me a ride to the hospital." I was begging him now. "Alright." He sighed "Give me like two minutes to change into something remotely decent." He gave me a small smile and invited me inside the room.

~ About Twenty Minutes Later - The Hospital ~

"I already told you my relation to them five times now. I'm their daughter, will you let me go see my parents." I was getting irritated. "No need to get an attitude Miss. Winters, I'm trying my best to look for their room number." The middle aged man said typing and scrolling through the names and numbers. "I'm sorry to ask again but what are their names?" He asked typing something into computer. I groaned slightly "Mark and Stacey Winters." I answered staring a hole in his head. "Room 304" He finally found the number of their rooms. "Thank you" Seth said before I could say something rude.

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