~ Chapter 14 ~

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~ Alex's POV - Smackdown ~

"Here is your winner by submission, Alllexxx!" Jojo announced whilst I still had my submission locked in on Eva. The Authority wants to play games with me, fine. So be it. A few seconds later I let go of her arm and threw her out of the ring, then motioned for a mic.

I brushed my hair out of my eyes and raised the mic to my lips. "Wow that was such a hard match, don't you think? I mean it's not like I could have beaten her with both my hands tied behind my back or anything" I smirked and the crowd laughed. This is what I want, I want to sound way over confident for my match with Alex in a few weeks. Maybe even sooner. "Hell I could beat little Miss Bliss with my hands tied behind my back!" I taunted.

'Behold the king, the king of kings... there is only one..'

Hunter, Kane, Randy, Seth, and of course Alexa came out on stage. "Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, do you really need all of your lap dogs to come out here with you for an announcement?" I smirked up the ramp. He got ready to say something "Oh wait" I looked around with a confused look on my face " You're missing one" I paused and smirked "Where's the bitch?" Hunter frowned and went to speak. "Oh right you guys know her as Stephanie" The fans 'ooOoo'ed' at the shot I took at Stephanie who wasn't even at the arena. "My boys are out here because they have a match against Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose-" He was cut off by the cheers and chants of their names. "In a 3 on 2 handy cap match. Which you are banned from ringside during the match." This time it was Hunter who smirked. I rolled my eyes. He turned to Alexa and muttered something in her ear, to which she smirked and nodded. "And tonight you will have your hands handcuffed and tied behind your back, in your second match against Alexa Bliss." He and the rest of his goons chuckled before Randy, Seth, and Kane made their way to the ring.

I slid out of the ring and walked past Randy and Kane, but my arm was grabbed by Seth. My head whipped in the direction of him and I stared at his hand around my upper arm, the to his eyes. He leaned in "I'm sorry" He whispered catching me off guard. "Sorry? for what?" I mumbled back and he looked behind me "Meet me at my locker room after your match." He said and let go of my arm then continued to the ring. I stood there with a frown for a few seconds before walking the rest of the way up the ramp.


"Alex what did he say?" Dean asked in more of a commanding voice than questioning one. "He wants to talk to me after my m-" "No, you're not going to go to his locker room, alone and talk." Dean spat. "I'm not a child Dean, I can make my own choices. Therefore, I'm going to hear what Seth has to say." I snapped back at him. "Alex." "Dean." "No." "Yes." "No. You're not going." "Yes. I am going." "ENOUGH!" Roman shouted making me jump a little, I forgot he was even in the room. "Dean, you can't keep her from talking to Seth. I understand you want nothing to do with him but this isn't your choice to make. If Alex wants to go talk to Seth, she can." He said calmer. Dean crossed his arms and sat on the couch. "And Alex, if Dean doesn't think you should go talk to Seth, you should respect what he says, and have a normal conversation about it instead of having a screaming match." Roman ran his hand through his hair. I nodded and walked over to Dean and straddled him.

"I know you don't want me to talk to him, but there's no harm in hearing him out. I just want to hear what h has to say." I placed my hands on my lap. Dean nodded "If you want to go talk to that scumbag, I can't stop you." He shrugged and I leaned down and kissed his lips. He deepened the kiss and Roman cleared his throat. "Alright I'll see you guys a little later" He chuckled and left the room. My hands played with his hair as I slightly started to grind against him. He groaned and that was my cue to stop. I Stopped rocking my hips and ran my hands down to his neck and pulled away from the kiss. Dean gave me a confused look. "My match is next" I winked and hopped off of his lap, then bent down to grab my title. "Owe!" I squealed as Dean slapped my ass and squeezed "When we get to the hotel we're finishing what you started" He rasped, I bit my lip and nodded before buckling my belt and leaving the room.


My arms were killing me, I could feel the steel of the handcuffs starting to cut my wrists. I was actually surprised I have been dominating the match for quite a while now. I scooted backwards to a corner and inched my way back to my feet.

'Style and Grace I'm never gonna be done. Lean on in. Now welcome to the Queendom. The Queendom, where the kings bow down'

My head snapped to the ramp to see the bitch herself, Stephanie McMahon with a smirk on her lips. I frowned and turned to check where Alexa was, only to be met with a super kick to the face. I fell down like someone shot me in the head. The bell rang and I was announced the winner by disqualification. I faintly heard the sound of someone's theme song and felt the ring vibrate as someone entered. A couple seconds after the ring was cleared of superstars, I slowly sat up and saw Roman spear someone almost in half and Dean hammering away on Randy. Alexa was at the top of the ramp standing beside Stephanie.


"What the hell happened?" I asked holding my neck, looking between Dean and Roman. They looked at each other and didn't say a word. "Someone say something" I groaned. Roman sighed and looked at me. "You were hit with a wicked super kick, you collapsed and Dean and I ran out from the crowd and whooped some ass." He finally answered me. My eyes narrowed a little "Who kicked me?" They looked at each other again. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms "I didn't ask a question for you two to look at each other." I said a little sternly. "What did you and Seth talk about earlier?" Dean asked trying to change the subject. "I'll tell you after one of you answer my question." Dean rolled his eyes "Alright fine, Seth. Seth super kicked you and you fell on your ass." He said leaning back in his chair. I nodded.

"I knew he was going to super kick me at some point during the show tonight, I didn't think it'd be during my second match of the night." I ran my hand through my hair. Dean's face hardened "You knew he was going to kick you and you didn't tell us?!" Dean shouted and I just nodded. "Why didn't you tell us Lex?" Roman asked, he was much calmer than Dean. I opened my mouth to answer but apparently my voice is deep and manly. "She's so damn stubborn" Dean answered for me. He then turned to look at me "You know how badly I want to kick his teeth down his fucking throat Alex. Why the hell didn't you tell us?!" Dean said through gritted teeth, standing up, walking over to where I was sitting and got on his knees. He was now so close to my face I could feel the heat coming off of him. "Tell me why you didn't say anything." Dean growled placing his hands on my thighs. For once I kept my mouth shut. His grip tightened on my thighs to the point where it hurt. "Dean..." I muttered looking at his hands. "Damn it Alex! Tell me for fuck sakes!" He shouted and his grip tightened a little more, making me flinch.

Roman must have seen the look on my face and stood up and pulled Dean away from me. "What the fuck man!?" Dean spat at Roman. "Do you realize what you were just doing? You were hurting her, she may be your girlfriend but you have no right to hurt her to get something out of her mouth." Roman crossed his arms clearly pissed at Dean's actions. Dean's face softened and he looked at me with tears in my eyes. "Alex, I- I'm sorry." Dean said softly and came back over to me and placed his hands on my thighs, but in a different spot. I didn't look at him, not because I was crying, and I wasn't crying because I was scared or anything, I was crying because I was pissed. "Ale-" Roman's eyes widened when he saw the red hand print on Dean's cheek. "I deserved that." Dean said rubbing his cheek. "If you ever lay a hand on me in a harmful way again, I will hesitate to pummel your ass into the next year." I spat and got up from the couch, grabbed my championship and bag, nodded at Roman and walked to the car.


Cliffhanger, kinda lol... Anyways let me know what you guys think in the comments!


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