~ Chapter 13 ~

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~ Alex's POV ~

"Have you ever felt like your world is crumbling around you?" I mumbled to Roman, wiping the tears away. I heard him sigh "The world isn't crumbling around you Lex." He paused getting up from his chair and came over to me. "If your world were crumbling, you wouldn't have Dean, Becky, Paige, or myself by your side. Just because Seth stabbed us in the back, doesn't mean everything is coming to an end. Is it the end of The Shield? Yeah, but you still have us." He gave me a warm smile and pulled me in for a hug. "Do you even know where D-" "I'm going to kill the son of a bitch!" I was cut off by an irate Dean barging through the hotel room door. "Never mind" I muttered so Dean couldn't hear, Roman chuckled quietly.

Dean and Roman started bickering back and forth about what we were going to do next. "Guys" I tried getting their attention. "Guys!" I tried again "Yeah we know him, he knows us, so why the fuck not?' Dean shouted. "Because there could be a go-" "There's not gonna be a good explanation for stabbing his brothers in the backs!" Dean cut Roman off. "ROMAN, DEAN, GUYS!" I yelled as loud as I could. They both shut their mouths and looked at me.

"Can you two please shut the hell up for a second? We need to stick together in his. If we start getting out of control, they'll use that to their advantage. Right now we only have each other, I can't loose you guys too." I let out a breath. Dean sat down on the couch and ran his hand through his hair. 

~ One Week Later - Monday Night Raw ~

Seth, Alexa Bliss and the rest of The Authority were already in the ring. Seth was in the middle of a statement. "The Shield, the greatest faction in the history of WWE, created by me. You don't think I have the right to destroy my own creation? It takes an architect, a mastermind to put together a faction like The Shield. Do you really think Dean Ambrose is in any way responsible enough for that? He is a lunatic, given a week to his own devices he's face down in a ditch." Seth paused letting the fan's thunderous boos continue. "And Roman Reigns? You'll never see anger or fury in a man like you've seen in Roman Reigns." Seth let out a sly chuckle before bring the mic back up to his lips. "But, without someone to control that anger and fury, he is nothing. He's worthless. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns are nothing without me. They owe me every ounce of success they have ever gotten." Seth declared. I've never thought that he had been bottling up all of these feelings for so long.

Seth continued babbling on about how the rest of The Shield were pathetic, weak, and so on. Until he was cut off by "You sold out!" chants by the fans. "No, no, no. I bought in. I bought in to the evolution of Seth Rollins." He smirked "And none of you will admit, it took a lot of guts to do what I did last week. And everybody is fixated on the fact that I stabbed my brothers in the back. That I betrayed my brothers." He paused turned to the camera. "Maybe to Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose we were brothers. But to me, they were just business partners. I severed a business relationship. For two years, every single night, I came out here and put my fist out and I said 'believe in The Shield'. Every night what I meant is what I'm going to tell you now, is you and everybody else better start believing in Seth Rollins!"  Seth roared and Hunter patted his shoulder as Seth handed the mic to Alexa Bliss.

Alexa rolled her eyes at the boos from the fans, and began to speak. "It should be pretty clear by now that I'm not just some rookie from NXT. I've been the women's champion, I've beat Alex many times in the past." The crowd cheered at the mention of my name, I smirked. "You guys can cheer all you want, Alex isn't at the arena tonight, so feel free to waist your breath." She scoffed. She was telling the truth, I wasn't at the arena tonight. I was staying at my apartment until my shoulder healed.

"Yeah, she's not here because I tore her shoulder out of socket. She's not here because of me, the next Women's Champion." She smirked then turned to Triple H. "What was it you said? It's on the tip of my tongue." Alexa put her pointer finger on her chin. "Oh that's right." She turned to the camera. "Adapt or Perish. Which is exactly what happened last week, Alex perished. She is no longer on top of her game." She paused with a smirk. "Get well soon Alex, I'm egger to get MY championship back." She spat dropping the mic.

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