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To the surprise of Aeschylus, he awoke. But his surroundings had changed. No longer was he sick. No longer was he in his house. His fever gone, but a smoldering heat beat him to his knees. A shadow loomed over Aeschylus, who was in submission on his hands and knees.

"Hello Aeschylus, and welcome." Said the shadow.

"Who are you, how do you know my name, and welcome to where? Where is here?" Aeschylus asked frantically.

"I am Hades, and this is the realm of my namesake."

Aeschylus looked up from his submission. He was in a land of maroon light, and dark ignorant crevices.  To his right a man was being impaled from his ass to his mouth. His cries submerged in a blood gargled yelling. The process of implement was repeated to a degree that seemed endless.  

To his left a man was chained to the side of a mountain. Vultures pecked away his organs. He cried softly in agony, his pain evermore.

"Away from this!" Shouted Hades. 

It was then Aeschylus found himself, laying on a pathway on a mountain. A grinding sound drew closer to him. He looked to his right an saw a massive boulder steadfast approaching him. Leaving his torso crushed. Aeschylus lay his mouth gapping open. But all attempts to scream failed him. 

It was in this agony Aeschylus saw a boney bearded man approaching him. The man bent down to look at Aeschylus. A grinning face looked at him. He spoke nothing, and moved on from the crushed man. Aeschylus faded out, and found himself next to the boney man at the base of the mountain.

Aeschylus patted himself, in no way was this reality. Unable to accept this, Aeschylus ran up to the mountains summit and flung himself towards the ground. Gravity would take him, death dare not. Once again he appeared next to the boney man.

"There is no escape." Said the boney man with a grin. "Only the absurd."

Then the boney man began to roll the boulder up the mountain. Aeschylus watched in awe, as the boney man would nearly push it all the way up to the summit. Only for the boulder to appear behind him, and roll back to the base of the mountain. Like any daily routine, he repeated this endlessly.

"What do you gain from this submission?" Asked Aeschylus.

"The same I gained in life as a king! Absolutely Nothing! So come and join me! We have all to gain! For we have nothing to lose" replied the boney man with a smile. 

The Tragedy of Aeschylus.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ