Out With A Bang

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"DAMN YOU! GIVE ME BACK THAT GAUNTLET YOU BRAT, IT'S NOT A TOY!" Bakugou roared, charging at the smug kindergartener as he made sure his other one was still secure. The little brat had used her quirk to sneak up on him and steal one of his gauntlets.

If one were to tease Bakugou about not learning from last time, they'd get smacked upside the head with his other gauntlet. Such a fate befell poor Kaminari, who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Ow! Dude, what the hell! That hurt!" Kaminari whined, clutching the back of his head.

"Then don't be a smart ass!" Bakugou growled. Kirishima could be seen snickering in the distance, letting kid after kid playfully strike his hardened self with their quirks.

The whole class of 1a was currently engaged in an activity similar to that of the hero exam Todoroki and Bakugou had to do. Actually, it was exactly what they were doing. Bakugou had Present Mic to blame thank for that. How he got Aizawa to agree to this was beyond him.

And so, an unfortunate repeat of the last time Bakugou had to watch kids took place.

"Again?" Todoroki blinked, noticing the explosive blonds predicament. Said blond shot him a "don't you fucking start too, you half-n-half bitch" glare. Todoroki merely shrugged, "I guess there's just something about you that makes kids want to antagonize you." He noted before going back to entertaining the other children with his quirk (some of which were eating make shift snow cones).

Bakugou gritted his teeth. Damn bastard. Who was he to say he was getting picked on? By brats nonetheless! If anything they should be admiring him! Then again, he's been proven wrong before (not that he'd ever admit it).

With a small growl, he "calmly" made his way over to the little punk, who was making gun shot noises, pretending to blast away bad guys no doubt. The little girl stopped and looked up at the towering teen.

"Hand it over." He demanded, sticking his hand out. The girl pondered over his request, before grinning.

"Not until you say please!"

Bakugou blinked. "What that fuck?"

The girl frowned, shuffling a bit. "That's not a word you should say!" She chided.

"Yeah well, who gives a shit?"

"Momma does! Momma says you should be respectful and kind and mind your manners!" She huffed at him. He sent her a mini glare to rival the one she had.

"Then why don't you give me back my gauntlet? You took it from me, and that's not what your mom would call nice now would she?" He smirked upon seeing the little girl's face scrunching up with realization.

"...no..." she said meekly. She gave a little sigh before handing what was essentially an oversized grenade back to it's rightful owner. Bakugou was in the midst of re-strapping it when Deku's voice suddenly attacked his senses.


He only had a brief moment to search for where Deku's voice was coming from when a green blur crashed into him.

Along with shrill screeching from the child he was dealing with, and the 2 kids clinging on to Deku, all Bakugou could register was pain, screams, a white flash, and more pain before blacking out. 



Anywaysssssss can I get a mcfukin uhhhhhh.....platonic bakudeku?? That's in the tags btw so don't be getting all pissy on me bc you think I'd actually write romantic crap for that ship.

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