"I suppose it all started at the beginning"

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"I present you the new head of the Auror Department Harry Potter"  Ron spoke boldly welcoming in his old friend.

Harry and Ginny where now into there tenth year of marriage, they had one child, a son called James Sirius Potter and another on the way. Draco and Hermione where a recent couple that took many by shock, however most of the infamous graduating class of 1999 where mostly happy at there new courtship. After a serious of fortunate event's fate led Ron and Pansy together and joined them with an inseparable love, sealing there marriage with Hugo a son the same age as James Sirius and a daughter Rose. Seamus and Astoria sat beside them at the garden affair on a glorious day with children of there own.

Dean and Daphne where just back from another trip abroad, they spent most there time in places such as Romania, America and France. Pavarti and Goyle where feasting as per usual taking much delight on the buffet laid out before them, Neville who was wearing his usual suite from his Herbology classes he was now teaching at Hogwarts, apparently making a fine well respect teacher, he was sat along side Theodore who spent most of his time being a Gilderoy Lockhart type figure, although thankfully less  pushy with his new autobiography he'd just had published which he earn his gallons, sickles and nuts from. Finally the last couple present and sitting closest to Harry who was about to make a speech promted by his dearest friend Hermione, non other than Luna and Blaise, Luna was braiding a little girls long golden hair, however with so many children around it was hard to tell whom she belong to.

" I've called you all hear today in order to say a simple but sincere thank you, all of you here at this table have made me into the person I am, the father, the husband, the wizard, the friend, the new head of the Auror Department" a few whoops and whistle's went around the table before Harry Continued.

"Now we all have something in common, a thing, being a bond, a source of power, a bonding that seals us all together, it's a family thing that I think we all agreed started at Hogwarts, although I wish it happened sooner than it did, although perhaps the only reason we have this is because of her..." Harry lingered adjusting his glasses before clearing his thorat.

"Sorry drifting off a bit there, what I am trying to say is, I love you all, not you Malfoy..." Harry Teases causing some laughter amongst the group of wizards.

"Without you I couldn't be the man I am today, so for that thank you, we have butter beer and other magical treats at the back that Ginny has prepared, so let's eat, be merry and let's get this party started!"

After his speech which granted him whistle's and applause, Harry began to mingle around the crowed. He spoke to all his friends, hearing all of there stories they had gathered over the years.

"So how is it being your own boss at a major leading company with your name on it?" Ron posed the question to Draco as the group of men sat to together at the table.

"Comes with it's challenges, yes, but you know, there is the fact I can leave whenever I want and go home" Draco smirked.

"Lucky, Harry has got us 12 hours days, till the baby Potter is born" Ron replied, glaring at Harry.

The men continue talking, laughing along the way.

"Daddy" Said four year old James Sirius. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy" He tugs at Harry's trousers.

"Yes, James" Harry sighs.

"Can we play now?"

"Not right now James okay, just a little while longer, promise" He smiled and ruffled James's hair. The boy gave a pout seeing that the attention of his father was taken by his friends once more leaving the four year old to wander off rather aggravated.
"So your just telling us now?" Asked Pansy . Hermione shrugged.
"Just Harry's speech got me thinking, listen only you two and Draco know so keep quiet till I tell the boys myself alright " Hermione said with a smile on her face.
"I can't believe it, all three of us, knocked up like a couple of-hello James what are you doing?" Pansy choked mid conversation.
"See that will teach you to hold your tongue never know who's nose is getting into your business..James are you eavesdropping?" Ginny asked him, his face grew rather flustered and walked immediately away. Hearing laughter from the three ladies making him even more embarrassed.

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