Chapter 16: Slab Of Control (2)

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They found their exit in the former of a ladder leading even further up into the tower, but were interrupted by a pale man leaping at them with his large fangs exposed.


[LV. 45][Vampiric Royal Guard Captain][7500/7500]

Leon dodged, but Rehn wasn't as lucky. He took a fair bit if damage, but managed to barely survive and chug down a potion. The vampire leapt back before Leon could land a hit and launched a black mist in the shape of a beam towards Leon.

Leon rolled to the side, landing on his back. Before he could even get up the vampire was only a few centimeters from his face with its fist. Leon quickly threw his body to the right and spun his sword upwards to bash the vampire in the stomach.

Yes, bash. Hitting the vampires body had about the same effect as clashing a sword against another, sturdier sword.


A fist landed right in Leons stomach and sent him flying through the wooden bottom of the floor above. He got a moments rest as he landed on the floor above, a much less burnt and fancier floor. But he didn't have a lot of time to rest as there were two Living Royal Armors on this floor and the vampire below was now aiming for Rehn.

He leapt down, raised his sword and landed a [Holy Stab] on the vampire.


He dealt a lot of damage, but his sword still didn't pierce the creature's skin, as if it's very skin was a set of armor.

The two armors had followed Leon from the floor below, they came running down the stairs to chase him.


Leon barely blocked an attack from the vampire while he was distracted watching the armors, the attack still sent him flying but to the side this time. As he hit a wall the vampire once again closed the distance between him and it but Leon simply ducked to avoid the fist, though he instead recieved a knee to the face.


He staggered backwards slightly but regained his composure and attacked the vampire. The armors were getting very close now, and he needed to get out of the corner or he would be completely destroyed.


Rehn healed him, and Leon rolled out of danger right next to the vampire and two armors who had just arrived. Well, out of danger was wrong. He was still very much in danger, just less danger. He burst into a sprint and ran up the stairs, all three of his enemies chasing him.

He arrived on the top floor, and positioned himself only a little bit away from the hole his body had previously made. Unsurprisingly, the vampire was the first to arrive but Leon managed to dodge his attack and land a [Holy Stab] making the vampire retreat backward.

But the armors were there to follow up, both at the same time it seemed.


While Rehn sent out another round of healing Leon dodged the two large swords which landed in the ground. They cracked the floorboards slightly, but they have no major holes.

This was a perfect opportunity for Leon as he had landed behind the two armors after dodging. He now used both his elbows to push them both down the hole his body had previously made in the floor.

The armors fell, and Leon dodged an attack from the screeching vampire who he also pushed down the hole. As the three landed, the vampire simply turned into a black mist and dodged away while the armors were crushed by the fall. Though they quickly started putting themselves together, Leon was a step ahead and leapt down from above, using [Holy Stab] to pierce through the first armor.

The second he did the same to just before it could put itself together, and now he only had the vampire left.

The rest of the battle with the vampire wasn't very special, and as defeated after another two minutes of fighting.

"Damn! That's impressive."

"It is."

Leon agreed with Rehn, they both thought that the loot was very impressive.

Drops Shared Between Party


1 Vampire Fang

2 Orichalcum Ingots

4 Iron Ingots


3 Vampire Fangs

2 Astathil Alloy Ingot

"Let's continue then, we might get more loot like this."

"Hell yeah."

Rehn was definitely excited, and Leon was the same.

The two continued up the tower, there weren't many battles until they reached the top, however, for those with a cautious eye there was some loot scattered here and there.

Now what was at the top was different, before the two players there stood two vampires clad in silver armor with red capes. Each of them also held a steel cavalry saber and they both looked very dangerous.

[LV. 45][Vampiric Royal Guard Captain][7500/7500]

They had the same HP, but considering their armor Leon doubted they would have as low defense as the last vampire.

"I know you!"


Leon was as surprised as he could be.

"Yes, I know that smell too."

The other vampire knight also seemed to know him from somewhere.

"What the hell?"

Leon was sure he had never seen a pair of royal guard captains in the game, much less this particular vampiric pair.

The two captains were still standing still while they said all this, but Leon was fairly certain they would attack soon.

"Indeed, the Bloody Prince should be able to set us free, albeit temporarily."

"I agree!"

As the first spoke the second got ready to attack and then suddenly appeared behind Leon who managed to block this attack which left a dent in his new sword.

His hands were shaking from the force of the blow, but he hadn't been thrown into a wall. That meant that this attack was probably stronger, seeing as it had left a dent in his sword, but there was less force behind it for some reason.

"I will deal with the other one."

Before Leon could even react, the other vampire attacked Rehn.


Leon could only give Rehn a command before throwing himself forward to hit the vampire chasing him. He needed healing if he was going to survive this battle, and he didn't exactly have the ability to drink an infinite amount of potions.

"Ah, the prince wants the other to live."

"Let him then, we only need the prince anyway."

The other vampire made a sudden turn and attacked Leon instead of Rehn. He couldn't dodge the attacks being thrown his way, and was impaled by both swords.


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