The City That Never Sleeps

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Chance picked Landon up and he told Landon he needed some real excitement in his life he's ready for a huge change, even if it's only for one night. Landon looked at chance with a half intrigued, half worried expression on his face, then said..."Okay buddy, what are you up to?" "I have finals coming up in the next two days Chance." "If I don't get into N.Y.U. I'm going to be so pissed off, because I will have worked my fuckin ass off since the First grade for nothing!" Chance smirked at Landon. "Chill bro, it's Friday, and I plan for us to be back in town on  Saturday Early Evening." "Woah, wait what?" Chance you never said we were going out of town!?!?"  Chance whooped with joy and excitement, "We're going to the city that never sleeps bro!!!"  Landon was already in the truck and told Chance, fuck it let's have ourselves some fuckin fun for once! And whooped along with his Best friend since Kindergarten. They both screamed and hollered "Freedom!!!" With wide smiles on their faces until their throats were sore. Chance decided to pull over at the nearest gas station and load them up with drinks and snacks for their road trip adventure, plus he needed to fill up his truck with gas so they could make it to their destination. "The City That Never Sleeps".

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