The Unexpected

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It's the day of the dance. Everyone was super hyped and getting ready. This dance was everythin at freedom high it was more important then homecoming and some say prom. It was there school tradition to celebrate the school reopening after the fire back when the teacher were kids. The school would spend thousands of dollars to make this perfect and almost everyone was there. Maybe about 20-30 people didn't show up from the school but everyone else did which made it exciting.

Sam was getting ready, he put on his cloths on that he bought the night before for the dance. He brushes his hair and decided not to put a beanie on. Sam is capable to drive and has his own car but his mom doesn't let him drive it much but tonight she made an exception. It was time for Sam to pick Jaxon up. As he got into the car his thoughts race he couldn't believe it. All of his friends were going to be at this dance and so was Jaxon. Sam put on his favorite CD and he was off. On the way the there, there was an intersection the light was about to turn red. It was an empty street and no one was really using this road so he speed up to make it before the red light and a car from the different lane sped right into Sam causing him to black out.

About thirty minutes later the group noticed Sam or Jaxon hasn't shown up. They started to get worried. 'Hey Sam are you almost here yet. What you doing?' John messaged Sam and he waited for an answer another 10 minutes passed by and still there wasn't an answer. They tried calling Sam but it went to voice mail. That's when Cathrine called Jaxon. "Hey is Sam over there with you" Cathrine asked right when the call started. "I've been waiting for him wondering the same thing. I'll shoot him a text." Jaxon says.Then he messaged Sam. "Jaxon says he hasn't got ahold of him either." Cathrine relayed the message to the group. More time had past of everyone checking there phone then Ethan decides to call Sams mom. "What do you mean he isn't with you guys? He left 3 hours ago?" When Sams mom said that Ethan heart sank. After he told the group what the mom said everyone rushed to Johns car. As they were on there way to Ethan's house to scout out the neighborhood for Sam there was slow traffic. Up head was some clean up potrol for whenever there was an accident. When Ethan came closer to the wreckage he saw Sam's car he then knew exactly what happened. Everyone else noticed it to , Cathrine pulled out her phone and called Sam's mom while John called Jaxon to tell them the news. Ethan rushed to the hospital. The doctors told the group there not allowed to see Sam until one of his family members arrive. About 10 minute later Sam's mom arrived she was scared and worried. Sam's mom confirmed it was Sam and after 5 minutes she had to wait in the waiting room until the doctors were allowing to visitors to see Sam. Jaxon soon arrived and everyone waited for the doctors to come in. 

 The doctor soon came in and he called for Sam's mom. "We had to do some emergency surgeries on her. Thats including her arms, one side of her ribs and her side of her head." The doctor said flipping through his clip board. "One its he and two is he okay?" Sam's mom eyes started to water. The doctor clear his throat "Oh i see." The doctor starts tapping his clipboard knowing what he was about to say is gonna break Sam's heart. "unfortunately your da-" he pauses to re-correct him self. "your son is in coma due to his condition. Were gonna allow visitors at this time but only 4 visitors at a time." Sam's mom broke down. Cathrine notice from  distance and got up to comfort her. Soon Sam's mom turns to the group and relied the message. The first four people to see him was his mom, Cathrine, John, and Ryan. 

  As they entered the room they felt a big wave of sadness hit them. When they look up they see Sam laying there, breathing air hooked up to him and cuts, bruises, and stitches covered him. The room echoed with beeps from the heart monitor and the breathing mask. Everyone sat around Sam. No matter how man enough the guys thought they were they let a little tears shed. After 20 minutes Cathrine, John, and Ryan decided they'll go home change out of there dresses and suits. When those three left Jaxon and Ethan spend a little time in the same room. After awhile those two had left as well. The mom spend the night next to Sam hoping and wishing it was all just a dream, but it was reality. 

 The next day Sam's mom called his family so she could tell them the news. Early that morning Jaxon and Cathrine decided to go to the hospital to see how he was. They were greeted by his mom and an unfamiliar old person. About five minutes of greeting each other and asking each other hows there day the mom stepped out if the room to grab a cup of coffee. "Why Samantha why your just a precious girl? Why would the universe want to hurt you?" the grandmother says lightly holding Sam's hand. Jaxon and Cathrine looked at each other confused. 'Is Sam's grandma crazy or something?'  Jaxon messaged Cathrine. When she got the texted she looks at him and shrugs. Shortly Sam's mom came back and Cathrine pulled Sam's mom aside. "Is Sam's grandmother alright?" Cathrine asked and Sam's mom frowned a little. "Its a long story" she replied.

The unexpected and love حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن