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5months later

I woke up with Lexie's hair all in my face and her laying on my chest. I moved her hair from her face and rubbed her back so she could wake up.

"Babygirl it's time to get up." I said and she stirred in her sleep then slowly woke up. "Good morning baby." I said and she smiled and waved at me. She doesn't talk until she brushes her teeth which is so funny to me. I chuckled and we both got up going to our own bathrooms and getting ready for today. It was Friday's and she alwAys got out early on Friday's so she got dropped off at my job.

When we were both ready we left out the house and talked about random stuff on the whole ride to her school. When we got there I gave her a kiss and of course she whipped it off and told me to stop. But I don't care.

"Mommy didn't I tell you to stop doing that, I'm too old for you to be kissin me like that." She said and I laughed and shrugged.

"Shut up I do what I want to you. Now get out. Love you girl." I said playfully and she said it back then got out.

I drove to my job thinking about everything was going with Carter there. My lawyer looked the papers over and there were no loops or games so we were good. I signed them and gave him the contract and he gave me mine that he had to sign. So far our businesses have been booming. Carter comes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I go to his office on the other days. So far it's been cool with him there. I haven't got him an office yet because I actually enjoy his company. He's really funny and cool. He's a bit of a flirt too but that's okay.

He calls me Bey and I call him Jay. We basically know everything about each other now. We're kind of like best friends. But he still doesn't know everything about my past, I trust him but not that much yet. The only people that know about that stuff are the people who were actually involved in it.

I walked into my building saying my usual hellos and hi's to everyone I see and smiling. Until I got to my office. When I opened the doors y'all wouldn't believe what I saw.

"Good morning Bey." Carter said while sitting in MY seat, eating MY gum I left there yesterday, with his legs kicked up on MY desk. I straight faced him.

"Who told you you can come in here and kick yo damn feet up on my table and eat my gum and sit in MY seat?" I said walking over to him knocking his feet off my table and snatching my gum.

He just sat in my chair looking amused. He chuckled then licked his lips while I stared at him putting my hand on my hip and shifting my weight to my left foot raising my left eyebrow.

"Carter get up." I said and he shook his head. I dramatically sighed. Then walked over to him grabbing his hands and trying to pull him out of my seat but it didn't work. "Jayyyy get upppp." I said pouting. Then my monitor turned on and I saw an email from my mother. I scrunched my face. I turned the chair with carter in it towards the monitor and sat in his lap. I didn't really care because I haven't herd from my mom in 16 years. I put my glasses on and opened the email.

Dear Beyoncé,

Hey bey, it's your mom. You know the one that birthed you, whipped your ass when you couldn't, and fed you when you were hungry. Anyways I've been trying to get in contact with you for the past 10 years and nothing has worked. I want you to come to Huston, the family is having a barbecue April 30th and we all miss you and want to see you and my grandchild and who ever your dating or married to. Who ever it is I hope your happy. There's a lot you don't know and missed out on but we just want to see you. Please come, and if you are email me back or call me or text me, anything to know you at least okay.

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