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I called on me and Lexie's Chineese food and we were now in my bed eating with chopsticks with our legs crossed with messy buns and big t-shirts on.

This was an everyday thing. She's literally my best friend, she tells me everything and I tell her everything to and extent. When star was over we were both full laying down in the bed next to each other just talking about random stuff. Then she just ask me a random question.

"Mommy?"She asked

"Yes baby?"

"What happened between you and my father, why don't I know him. Or have a relationship with him?" She asked and tense up even thinking about it. Memories started to rush back into my head that I tried so hard to tuck away.

"You did know him when you were younger, as for what happened I'd have to tell you when I'm comfortable speaking about it and when your old enough to FULLY understand." I said and she agreed with my terms.

I saw her eyes dropping and tried to kick her out but she insisted on staying.

"Girl go sleep in your own bed." I said snuggling into my pillow.

"Mommy nooo I wanna lay with you." She said then laid her head on my chest since I was laying on my back I hugged her against me and stroked her hair. While she dozed off I took this time to admire my baby's beauty. She was breath taking. She looked just like me. She was light skinned, she had hazel eyes, pink plump lips, and a heart shaped face. The rest were her dads features. She definitely has my body. We're both shaped the same she's just a lot shorter than me. She even has my original hair color, and hair type. But she's my world. She doesn't know how much she's done for me with out even doing anything. She's made me a better woman, and from what I know a lovely mother. I don't think I've ever loved someone this much in my life. I just want to do everything I can to make sure she's okay and living fine.

I kissed her forehead then slipped out of bed to where she wouldn't notice. I don't know how but work slipped up on my mind. This happens all of the time. So I called Angie like I did every other day at 12 at night and told her everything to finalize and sign off for me and she agreed to do it in the morning.

Then I thought about Carters offer. It would make my company a lot more money, and partnering with the 2nd biggest entertainment company was a plus. My artists love the people in roc nation, I took them all to a pre-Grammy rock nation brunch before and they enjoyed it and the people there. So all I had to do now was call Carter and tell him I want to take on his offer. I went and got my purse in the kitchen and sat on the counter then got out his number. Not even contemplating on calling him I typed it in my phone and pressed the green call button and listened to the phone ring 3 times until it said connecting then I put it to my ear.

"Hello? Carter?" I said and I herd the phone shuffling.

"Hey, who is this?" He ask in a raspy tired voice. The base in it just turned me on a little. Don't judge I haven't got none that I've enjoyed in 15 years.

"It's Beyoncé, Beyoncé knowels." I said into the phone.

"Oh hey Beyoncé, is there anything I can help you with?" I asked

"Um yes, I would like to sign that contract with the Collabs with the artist and the partnership. After my lawyers look it over of course." I said and he chuckled.

"Beyoncé thank you for accepting my offer but at 12 o'clock at night?" He asked and I looked at my stove and it was most definitely 12:11 but I didn't really care.

"Um yeah what's so bad about that?" I asked he should be happy.

"Well I would be but it's hard being happy after your woken up out of your sleep."

"Well your up now so congrats, see you tomorrow at 9:45 my office bye." I rushed off the phone then hung up because if he was so sleepy he shouldn't have answered the phone. So I'm going to let him get his rest.

I felt my phone ring then looked down at it, it was carters number. I answered

"What do you want? Go to sleep." I said

"I wanted to let you kno that if I stay up cause I can't go back to sleep you can't either. So FaceTime me." He said and I looked at the phone with my face twisted. That's so unprofessional

"Carter that's unprofessional." I said and he chuckled.

"I don't care. We're going to be business partners and friends, might as well start now." He said then I saw an incoming FaceTime call from his number. I hesitantly answered it and took my face out of the camera. And saw his face pop up. The camera was propped up to where I saw him with his hand holding his head up and he had no shirt on and the cover halfway over his chest. But I could see how toned his chest and arms were. And it looked like he had Vaseline on, it made me laugh cause I know for a fact he goes to sleep with Vaseline on every night. With those big ass lips he better be. He had on a blue dew rag same color as my nails. His nose was kinda big but I didn't really care. It was cute on him. And his eyes, the only light that was in there was from the tv but I could still see his long eyelashes, his eyes looked dark right now but I remembered then being a calm brown. Overall he was fine as hell.

Hold the fuck on.

I should not be looking at him like this.

"Beyoncé!" I herd and I looked at the phone still hiding my face.

"Huh?"I asked

"I've been calling you name for a minute, what you doing? Let me see your face." I rolled my eyes because I had my hair in a messy bun, no make up even though i didn't need it, and a big t-shirt with just panties. So I half the camera up to where he could only see from my head to my shoulders.
He smirked which surprisingly made me blush. But I made sure to hide it. "Your So cute." I smiled

"I was just making business calls and you were my last one. And thanks but I look crazy right now." I said getting up to go get water and propping the phone up on the toaster. I went to the fridge and bent down to get me a water. I walked back over to the phone and sat on the chair in-front of it.

"What you doing?" I asked

"Just watching being Mary Jane, catching up." He said and I laughed, Ive never her of a straight man watching being Mary Jane. "What's so funny?" He asked focusing on the tv and me.

"You watching that show." I said then giggle and he playfully rolled his eyes. "Did you get to the part where-

"Ah. Ah. Ah. Don't tell me. Cause if I didn't imma be mad at you." He said and I laughed then smacked my lips.

"I was just going to say the part where she got into that bad car accident and almost died dang." I rushed out and he dramatically sighed.

"Really Beyoncé." He said then looked at me with the straightest face. I laughed so hard. "That's not funny, and we not friends no more. So goodbye." He said then hung up. That just made me laugh even harder.

I finished my water and went back to my room. I slipped back in bed with my baby then cuddled her and fell asleep. Working with carter is going to be a handful

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