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No matter what world we enter, love will always find away to screw us over


In this day and age we live for the buzz of the latest drama, the gossip of scandals, and love triangles, jealosy and the power that social media can have over our love life.


You'd think in a different time, in a different place, in a different world it would be simpler. That people would love but once, that it was never complicated and so important for your social standings, and not be so judgemental about your choice in partner.


But that's not the case.


There will always be that spark of mischeif and fascination when it comes to whirlwind romances, scandaloous affairs and blossiming young relationships.


Its just our human nature.


Even in a world of fantasy, where chivalry stands tall, where dragons lurk in caves people dare not enter, where pirates terrorise and pilage.


We will always get oursleves intangled in a sticky love web.


And not always know what to do.


Heya!! Another applyfic whoop de doop rip
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