Edgar x Reader x Ranpo | Unsolved

Start from the beginning

Edgar laughed heavily and returned the hug.

"It's okay. I understand."

We held each other for a few moments before letting go.

"Until next time! I'll see you soon, love." Edgar waved.

"Au revoir!" I smiled before parting ways.

What a man.


"Ranpo.. I can't- just listen to it!" I laughed, motioning towards the ducks.

I was laughing so hard that I thought my stomach was gonna explode. I was looking at a duck drinking water and the sound it made doing it was hilarious to me for some reason.

Ranpo briefly stares at the duck drinking water. I could feel him staring back at me, confused yet amused at my sense of humor. Once the duck seemed satisfied, it stopped drinking and I slowly stopped laughing.

I looked over at Ranpo. He was smiling widely at my fit of laughter.

"My humor is boring, I'm sorry. I don't know-" before I could finish I began laughing again once I heard another duck drinking water.

Ranpo laughed softly and I walked away from where we were to stop laughing. I sat over at a bench and pressed my hands against my cheeks. They were hurting mildly from smiling too much.

We were currently at a lake, feeding and watching birds. Ranpo was calm and collected where as I was making myself look like a fool. It was isolated, resulting in a lack of visitors.

"You're an interesting woman, [Y/N]." Ranpo mumbled.

After fully calming myself down, we went and walked around the lake. We paused every now and then so Ranpo could throw food at ducks.

As we walked, we stumbled across a pile of flowers on the ground. They were clearly picked and throw there for aesthetic purposes. I gasped at the beautiful yet sad sight and admired them. My mind became filled with nostalgia as I remembered the first time I met Ranpo.

It was a long while back. Ranpo and I had met at an investigation competition. Actually, Ranpo and Edgar had gone head to head in the competition as well. Since Edgar left right after the defeat, I hadn't met him until later.

I was in a different league and had one first place, just like Ranpo did. I guess he had been watching mine because after wards, he challenged me into our own competition.

It was very surprising, but I ended up beating him.

I do have to admit though, my ability gave me the upper hand.

My ability was called 'Man's Infinite Hand.' The first part, that being that solving part, allowed me to figure out any issue with even the most littlest of evidence or information possible. My ability used knowledge/memories that others, who have even the least relevance to the case, have to help solve it. Even if it's an old case from 3,000 years back, I could still scroll through people's memories even if they were dead. Only if they had to do with the case though.

The other part of my ability also helped me create unsolved mysteries so advanced that it was almost impossible to solve. I was able to trap readers in a book filled with my mysteries and have them figure it out if I wanted to have some sadistic fun. This was also another thing Ranpo challenged me at a few months later. The ability to create the most complex case.

I ended up winning. Again.

So, when we were given the investigation, it took me a second to figure it out. Ranpo was honestly really shocked and kept asking me if I had pulled strings or something.

After telling him no countless of times, he gave in and accepted the fact I won. Even though he was sort of upset, he became a very close friend that day.

I gazed at the floor of flowers, more specifically the lavender rose that was sticking out further than the rest. What reminded me of this memory was a single lavender rose he gave to me that first day we met. He didn't say much, sort of letting the rose speak for itself. After that, he had never given me another flower.

"Jeez, people's change of mind is ridiculous when trying to pick 'the right flower.'" Ranpo sighed.

Ranpo walked over and picked up a red tulip in the bouquet and walked back to me. Gently, he extended it towards me and smiled. I took the flower from his hand.

"Though they may look different- ugly or pretty; the meaning of flowers never change." He briefly said before walking past me.

I felt overjoyed at the small action and followed Ranpo. I laced my arm with his as we continued walking and reminiscing about old memories.

Even though Ranpo wasn't really affectionate, the small things he said or did was his way of showing it. He stayed silent as we found our way towards the entrance. 

"Ranpo, thank you for today. It was quite an interesting and nostalgic one." I smiled as I stared at the flower. "I hope you rest well and call me when you get home so I know you're safe. Alright?"

Ranpo shook his head and crossed his arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you [Y/N], stop stealing my line! I am perfectly capable of handling myself!" He huffed.

"You can't even take the subway by yourself." I laughed.


Ranpo sighed and looked at me with annoyance. I quickly changed his mood as soon as I engulfed him in a hug. I few moments passed by before he uncrossed his arms, giving in to my affection.

"But I'll call you..." He mumbled softly. 

Ranpo returned the hug and a feeling a bliss lingered around. I took in his warmth and felt the love radiating off of him.

"Okay, I'll see you soon! Be safe!" I said, letting go of him.

"Don't patronize me." He complained, walking away from me.

"I love you too! Bye!" I smiled.

As I walked away, I heard him mumble something, but let it go.

ok ok so this is only the FIRST chapter still got another but i had to post bc it's been five days and I've had writers block and just oof.

I'm really sorry if this feels rushed :((
I hope i can post the other one soon.

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