Edgar x Reader x Ranpo | Unsolved

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[Y/N]'s POV

"Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears." Edgar read.

I opened my eyes only to be met with a blue book a mere 5inches away from my face. My head was rested on Edgar's lap as he sat against a tree. It was a really warm day and he invited me to go out. We both wanted to do something that required no effort and we choose this. Edgar reading to me.

I caressed Karl, who laid comfortably on my stomach. I felt so calm. The hues around us were warm alongside the small breeze. The sun was just starting to set, and the man I loved was reading to me. It was a perfect day.

Once he finished reading a chapter, he closed the book and looked down at me.

"What'd you think?"

I snapped out of the mini daze I was in and looked at him.

"Uh.. I think.." I paused, trying really hard to remember what he said. "To be honest dear, I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying. Rather, I was more focused on your voice." I admitted, looking away.

He laughed and placed his hand on my cheek, very gently caressing it. I felt my heart race quickly at the warm contact.

"How are you feeling? You look very relaxed." Edgar asked.

"I'm feeling amazing. So comfortable and calm that I could.. almost.. fall asleep." I mumbled, closing my eyes.

I stopped running my hands through Karl's fur. My breathing decreased even more as I felt myself slowly dozing off.

"Karl, the pineapple!" Poe whispered.

Ignoring the weird command, I felt Karl move himself from underneath my arm and run away to who knows where. Edgar stayed quiet as I became more and more fatigue.

Before I could fully fall asleep, I felt Karl hop onto my stomach and jolt me awake.

"For you, my love."

I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head to be faced with a red carnation. I slowly became more aware as I felt myself heat up of jelly like emotions forming inside me.

"It's so beautiful." I smiled, delicately touching the soft petals.

"Like you."

I laughed as I covered my mouth.

"You're so cheesy." I chuckled as I sat up.

I moved myself next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"And I love it. Thank you."

Edgar read another chapter to me. I hugged his arm and cuddled it as sun became less and less apparent in the sky. Eventually it became too dark for Edgar to continue reading properly so we decided to go.

"I appreciate you inviting me out today. It was amazing. I hope we do this again. I promise next time I'll pay attention!" I laughed shyly.

Edgar sighed and shook his head.

"You said that last time andddd the time before that and even the-"

I hugged him and whined.

"I'm sorry! I really love your voice and I can't help but get distracted!"

Bungou Stray Dog's One Shots - or whateva-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ