Chapter 15: Bloody Masks

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Chapter 15


Bloody Masks

All the elves piled up in the thickest parts of the bushes, debating on the plan. "Well, today is just a barrel of stupid ideas, isn't it?" Solv said. They all gave him a death stare, but I wasn't much because all of their emotions expressed a bit of pain. After all, they were sitting in a thorny bush in the garden, struggling to keep quite to not disturb the coronation.

"Okay, let's just go to your room and gather what we can to kill. Lettvind, you'll lead us to the people and we'll put together a plan right at that moment to sneak attack. Ari, do you know how to fight?" Drepe asked. "Yeah, I can just go melee if all else fails. I got a double-bladed sword sitting on my shelf in my room," Ari answered.

"Good enough. Let's go quickly!"

Not caring whether anybody saw them, they rushed out of the bushes and ran for the doors to the castle. Kjer was about to turn around and look at Ari, Solv, Lettvind, Drepe, and Narfi, but her 12 year old brother splashed a bottle of snowberry wine in his face. Shivan gave a thumbs-up to Ari as they sprinted into the corridors. They ran for their lives down the hallways, not caring how many guards came into view.

Suprisingly, Solv was the fastest runner, but he was probably just lighter than everybody else. Lettvind stayed right behind Ari just in case anything were to threaten his friend from behind, and he would be more than happy to sacrifice himself for the safety of Ari. Drepe and Narfi came in last, the two enemy-friends running side-by-side in the race for life.

Finally, they came across the same confusing hallway that had housed them for at least a week or so. It was still beautiful and carved out of the white ice, but some statues and designs were now either outlined a golden lace or an olive green magical essence that wrapped around the majority of the ice. The life-like dragon statues were now glittering with bronze armor and weapons that were only accessible to the royal family. Drepe and Solv grabbed a few fitting pieces of armor and changed into them, not caring if Ari or the rest saw their undergarments. Solv decided on a moonstone dagger and Drepe resorted to a silver scythe that they picked from the ice dragons. However, the others were not satisfied with the variety of weapons, so Narfi made an ice sword and Ari made Malekith's son a long spear made of ice that resembled the one that his father used in battle.

They once again inhabited her room, each one on watch for the red-eyed guards or any unknowing royals. "Okay, I think it's time to get this over with. My blades are ready to be splattered in elven blood, or, well, I hope so. I will need to alert Kjer of my absence or he will go searching for us. Letty, can you figure out where they currently are?" the Jotun royal asked. "Ari, I've always known their location since they first arrived from the Bifrost, so I think I'll just be able to lead you guys there so you can slaughter them at first sight," he answered, throwing his spear at a miniature fruit on her table, making its juice splatter onto the floor. With Lettvind leading the way, they rushed back out to Kjer's outlandish coronation.

The music played loud in Ari's ears, something that she had yet to grow fond of. Alcoholic essence flowed through the area, making the air smell of a sickly tinge of mead and wine. The smell and music were too much to bear, but she had to go on.

Kjer and Shivan were seated not too far into the crowd, singing along to one of Kjer's favorite tunes, Jhir Naf Oldrn. They were swaying with the rhythm, showing how drunk they really were. However, Shivan was just faking it; he hated the taste of the drinks and the obvious effect of their ingredients. Miraak was right next to Shivan, trapping him in between two the foul smelling Frost Giants. "Kjer, brother, I will be absent from the Hjufbegn for a few minutes. There is something that requires my attention," she said, not trying to lie.

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